He takes your newborn on stage at an interview

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Our baby girl Aaliyah Grace was now one week old, she was still really small.
Today Niall had an interview with the boys on the Ellen show and he wanted me and Aaliyah to come along so I agreed.

I sat backstage with Aaliyah in her pram in front of me, she was wide awake.

Niall's POV

"Welcome One Direction!" Ellen said as we walked on stage. We gave her hugs and then sat down on the sofa. We waved at the audience. "So how have you been?" She asked. "Good" Harry replied. "So any news on the album yet? Release day? Singles?" She asked.
"We can tell you that actually!" Louis said. "We have a single coming out this Friday at 9am" Liam told her. "What about the album?" She asked us. "That will be released on the 30th November. So theres still 2 months to wait" I told her. "How many songs are on the album?" She asked. "There will be 15, plus an extra two if you have the deluxe edition but we still have about 5 or 6 songs to record" Louis explained.

"So Niall, you recently became a dad for the first time?" She asked looking at me. I nodded smiling. "Yeah I did" I told her. We still hadn't announced her name or posted any pictures but we did tell the fans she was here. "So are you gonna tell us her name yet?" She asked. I nodded. "Her name is Aaliyah Grace Horan and she's one week old today" I said. A picture of me holding Aaliyah after she had been born showed up on the screen. The crowd awed and I looked at the picture smiling.

"Does she cry a lot?" She asked. I shook my head. "Nope! But that will probably change because she has me as a dad" I chuckled among the crowd laugh. "Does she look more like you or y/n?" She asked. "His baby daughter is definitely the female baby version of him! Looks and personality she is exactly like him!" Louis said pointing at me. "Do you want to meet her?" I asked Ellen. "She's here?" She asked. I nodded. "Her and y/n are backstage" I told her. "I would love to meet her" she said excitedly. "I'll go get her" I said standing up.

I walked backstage to where y/n was sat with Aaliyah in her pram in front of her. I smiled at y/n and pecked her lips. I picked Aaliyah up. "I think I'm gonna keep her for the rest of the interview" I told y/n and she smiled. "Fine by me" she said. "The interview should be over soon,love you princess" I said kissing her lips again. "Love you too Niall" she said.

I walked on stage with Aaliyah against my chest. She was wide awake. I put my finger against my lips and looked towards the crowd. I sat back down next to Louis and held Aaliyah in my arms so Ellen could see her. "She does look like you!" She said looking at her. "She's tiny!" She said. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked and Ellen nodded. I placed Aaliyah in Ellen's arms. She got a little fussy but calmed down. "She's so cute" she said looking at me. Ellen made a weird face at her and Aaliyah giggled making me smile proudly and the crowd aww.

Aaliyah suddenly started crying. I stood up and held my arms out. "Go back to your daddy" she said as she placed Aaliyah back in my arms. I held Aaliyah against my chest and she calmed down instantly. I sat back down and held Aaliyah, who ended up falling asleep for the rest of the interview.

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