#4 he proposes to you

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It was Christmas day and everyone was at yours and niall house. His mum, dad, Greg, Denise and theo was here and your parents and siblings were here too. It was about 8 am so you were all opening presents. "I think that's all the presents now, time for breakfast!" I said. "Actually, before breakfast there one more present for you princess" he said looking nervous. " I will go and get it."

Niall went upstairs to get your present and you was talking to his mum Maura. The door to the sitting room was behind the sofa and you definitely had no idea that he was behind you on one knee until everyone gasped. "Turn around" Maura said and smiled. You turned around and gasped t the sight of niall on on knee with a gorgeous diamond ring in his hand. You were crying a bit at this point. "Y/n I'm not very good at speeches but the last 5 years I have spent with you have been the best 5 years of my life so would you do the honours of being my princess forever and making the rest of my life as good as these past 5. Y/n y/m/n y/l/n will you marry me?" He said. "Yes of course niall!" You cried with tears streaming down your face, haply tears obviously niall was also crying of happiness. He slid the ring on your finger and stood up and hugged you. All of your family started to clap and say congratulations. Niall kissed you on the lips and then hugged you again. "I Love you" he told you. "I love you too" you replied and smiled at him

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