#50 your family gets mobbed

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Lillie is 2 and luke is 5

"Niall do you know where the photo frame that we got for this photo is?" I said holding up a giant photo  Lillie and luke up from a photoshoot they had. (Photo above). "Umm.. I think its behind the sofa" he said walking into the living room with me following. Lillie and Luke were sat down together playing with Luke's cars. Niall reached down the back of the sofa and pulled out a big photo frame. "Do you need help?" He asked sweetly. "Yeah please" I tell him. He helps open the back of the photo frame. I place the giant photo in the frame carefully so no dust or dirt gets inside. Once its in niall places the back on the frame again and closes the clips to keep it in place. "Where do you want it?" He asked. You walk into the hallway near the front door with niall following. "I think it would look good here" I tell him pointing at the spot halfway between the living room door and the front door. Niall puts a nail in the wall and hangs the photo up.
"I love this photo of them" he says smiling at the photo. "Me too, they both look so happy"

30 minutes later

"We need to go shopping" I say to niall who was playing with luke and lillie. "Why?" He asks. "Some things for lillie like clothes , bottles,diapers and baby wipes, luke needs new school shoes and a new school jumper and we need to do the food shopping. " I tell him. He sighs. "My feet are gonna kill after this" he mumbles walking to get the kids shoes. I roll my eyes. "Is daddy being moody?" I say to lillie In a baby voice picking her up. Niall comes back in and takes lillie . "can you get her pram in the car?" He asks and I nod and put the pram in the car. 5 minutes later Luke comes out with niall behind him with lillie. Luke climbs in the back seat while niall locks the door. I put Luke's seatbelt on from my seat while niall puts lillie in her seat. Niall gets in the car and starts to drive to the shopping center (mall).

At the shopping center (mall)

We all get out the car and I pick lillie up. Niall gets her pram out and sets it up. I place her in the pram and strap her in. "It looks busy"  I say and niall agrees. "Hold the pram and my hand luke" I tell my son and he nods. Luke grabs the pram with one hand and his other hand is holding one of my hands and niall is pushing the pram. "Why do I need to hold the pram aswell?" Luke asked. "So you don't get lost lukey" I tell him. "Where do you want to get your school shoes from?" I ask my 5 year old. "Umm .....JD!" He says pointing to the store. We start walking towards JD.

10 minutes later

We are surrounded by nialls fans. I had picked up Luke since he was scared and niall still had a tight grip on the pram that lillie was in. The fand start to push causing some people to get pushed into the pram. Lillie starts screaming and crying. Paparazzi are also everywhere. Niall quickly picks lillie up and holds her to his chest to avoid her getting pushed into or hurt. "Shh princess" he whispers. "Mummy I'm scared" luke whispers. "Shy it will be okay" I soothe. Niall pulls out his phone and calls Paul and the other security guards. "Security is on their way" niall shouts over the noise. I nod and look down at luke and then other at lillie who is still crying her eyes out in Niall's arms. "They are frightening the kids" I tell nisll gripping his arm so we don't get separated. "I know" he says stroking Lillie's head trying to calm her down.

5 minutes later security arrives and helps us. Niall goes first with the pram and lillie in his arms and I walk behind holdingluke and gripping Niall's shirt. We finally get out and run into JD. The owners lock the doors so no one can get in. Lillie is still crying so niall sits down with her in his lap. She starts to calm down and eventually falls asleep. I sit next to niall with luke in my lap. "That was scary" I sigh. "Yeah, I wish we could go out like a normal family without being mobbed " niall says looking down at lillie who was now asleep in his arms. "Me too" I say. "That scared them so much, I'm surprised luke didn't cry" I add. "I know I'm surised she stopped crying" niall says gesturing to lillie

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