#57 Beach day

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In this you only have liam and lillie. Liam is 7 and lillie is 2

I packed a beach bag for me, niall and the kids. I put some towels in, some sunscreen, sunglasses and some buckets and spades for the kids and some spare swimming diapers for lillie

I picked lillie up from the play at so I could get her ready. Niall and liam were not sat next to each other on the sofa watching TV since they were already ready. I took lillie into her bedroom and layed her on the changing table . I put a swimming diaper on her first. I found one of her swimming costumes which was red with black dots and a little tutu thing and put it on her. I got a small white sundress and put it on her with some white sandals and a white sunhat.

I took lillie down stairs into the living room. "Are you both ready?" I asked and they nodded. Niall switched the TV off and picked the beach bag up. We went out the door and I locked it behind me. Niall put the beach bag in the back between the two car seats. Niall fastened Liam's seat belt while I put lillie in her seat. Niall and I got in the car and niall started driving to the beach.

At the beach

I layed some towels down on the sand to sit on. Liam took his clothes of so he was in his swimming trunks as well as niall. I placed lillie in front of me and took her clothes off so she was in her swimming costume. I put some sunglasses on her and her sunhat. I put sunscreen on liam and lillie and myself and niall put it on himself. I took my clothes off so I was in my bikini and sat on the beach looking around. There wasn't that many people here even though it was a hot day. "Y/n did you bring the buckets and spades?" Niall asked me. "Yeah they are here" I said giving him two buckets and spades. He sat down with lillie on his lap and liam in front of him. Liam was making sandcastles and niall was helping lillie do it.

"Let's go in the sea mummy!" Liam said pulling my hand. I smiled and stood up. Niall was holding Lillie while I was holding Liam's hand. We went in the water and I kept hold of liam. "Oh my god its freezing" I said when my feet touched the water. Niall laughed at me. "Its not that bad" "it is!" I replied. Niall kept a tight hold of lillie so she wouldn't go under the water at all. She started splashing niall and giggling. "Do you like splashing daddy princess?" Niall asked her in a baby voice and she giggled making us smile. I felt a lot of cold water go over my head and niall and lillie were both laughing. I turn around and see our 7 year old son stood there with a bucket and a goofy smile on his face. He burst out laughing while I tried to not smile. I splashed him with some water and we ended up having a splashing war.

After being in the sea for an hour we got out and went back to pur things. We sat down and I pulled out the food that I had packed. I gave everyone a sandwich . we ate in silence. "I'm gonna go and get some ice creams from the ice cream van" niall said standing up with lillie. Niall went and it was just me and our son liam. "Have you had fun?" I asked him. "Yeah, can we come again?" He asked. "Yeah when its warm and sunny again we can come back again" I tell him. Niall comes back 5 minutes later and we all have our ice creams. It was near sunset so we decided to stay to watch it. Niall moved and sat next to me with lillie on his lap and liam was on the other side of me. I rested my head on Niall's shoulder. We were facing the sea so when its sunset we would be able to see it perfectly.

The sun started going down. "Remember when we always came down here watching the sunset before we were dating?" Niall said still looking forward. "Yeah, and when you finally asked me out" I said smiling remebring the days before me and niall had the kids and got married. Even after all these years we were still just as close and just as Mich in love as we were before. Once the sun had gone fully down we drove home. The kids fell asleep on the way home so niall picked lillie up and took her to bed and I picked liam up and put him in his bed.

I got into bed next to niall resting my head on his chest. "I love you Nialler" I whispered. "I love you too princess" he tells me. I lean up and give him a long kiss on the laps. We don't have many moments like this anymore because we are usually busy with the kids but they are just as special.

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