#9 your baby runs on stage

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Me and my daughter Lillie weren't allowed to go on tour with niall so you rang his tour manager and they agreed to let you come on tour for a week while they are in england. I told them to not tell niall so that we could surprise him. I decided that we will go to the concert in London and stay at the side of the stage were we won't be seen and when they start singing right now I will let Lillie run on stage to niall. Since niall always sings right now and little things
to Lillie.

I was at the side of the stage with Lillie, our 1 and half year old daughter stood next to me holding my hand. "Are you ready to go and run to daddy?" I asked her and she nodded grinning. She looked exactly like niall. She had his blue eyes, his natural brown hair and his lips but she had my nose. She even smiled like him. Thy were getting ready to sing right now so it was  nearly time for Lillie to surprise niall. The boys knew about us coming though.

While there singing right now

"Go to daddy Lillie! " I said and she let go off my hand and ran towards niall. Niall was stood near the front of the stage so he couldn't see her. The crowd went crazy when Lillie ran out but niall thought nothing of it. She was a slow runner since she was small so it was cute watching her run. "Niall you've got a surprise behind you" Harry said into his microphone while he wasn't singing. Niall looked behind him and his eyes went wide when he saw Lillie. It looked like he was about to cry. Since Lillie still hadn't made it very far on stage niall ran towards her. He picked her up and spun her around and hugged her. "I missed you princess" he whispered while hugging her. "I mized woo too daddy!" She said and the microphone picked it up so the fans heard it . They awed at the cute father daughter moment they were witnessing. Lillie was a total daddy's girl and she missed niall so much when he was on tour. Niall held Lillie for the rest of the show which was for about an hour. He was so happy to see her and she was very happy to see her daddy again.
Once we all got on the tour bus he still kept hold of Lillie, he never put her down it was quite cute.

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