#28 You have a still birth

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In this one , Liam and luke are 11, Noah is 5 and Lillie is the one that is still born.

Your pov

I was nearing the end of my pregnancy so the boys(your Sons) had all gone to stay at Maura's.  "I'm so excited to finally have a daughter" I said and niall agreed. "I can't wait to just spoil her and get her everything! " Niall said."she's gonna be such a daddy's girl" I said a niall shrugged. I got up to go to the office to work on something when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my abdomen  "AHHH! NIALL!!!" I screamed in pain. Niall instantly came running to me and helped me get steady. " Come on, let's get you to the car" he said and helped me to the car. I Sat in the back seat and niall drove with one hand since he was holding my hand.

at the hospital

"It hurts so much niall" i whimpered in between deep breaths."Well it will all be worth it in the end when we get our beautiful little girl in our arms" he said and I nodded. In the delivery room I had niall and Maura since my mum had sadly passed away last year.


A midwife came in to check how dilated I am. "You are 10 cm dilated so you are ready to push" she said and niall smiled. I grabbed Niall's hand and I got hold of Maura's with my other. "You can do his y/n" Maura said. "Okay so when i tell you to push you need for push for 10 seconds" the midwife said and I nodded, . "3, 2, 1 push" she said and I pushed as hard as I could . "AHHH I HATE YOU FOR THIS!!" I said to niall and he looked taken a back. "She doesn't , is just that women say weird things when given birth because of all the pain " (idk if they do) Maura told niall and he nodded."Okay 3, 2, 1 push again" she said. I pushed again and squeezed Niall's hand very tight. "Come on princess, you can do this" he said. "You can do this y/n" Maura said. "I..I..can't..It hurts so much !" I cried, "you can do this y/n" Niall said an kissed my forehead. "it's okay for you! You have some fun and then get a baby 9 months later, you don't have to go through the pain!" I snapped. Niall quietened down after that, "im sorry" I said and he nodded and smiled. "Last push now y/n 3,2,1 push" she said. I pushed the hardest I could, tuning Niall's hand purple in the process.

Niall's pov

"Last push now y/n 3,2,1 push!" the midwife said and y/n pushed her hardest. The midwife lifted the baby up but instantly took her away to the doctors.  "W..W..whys she not crying? " I asked Trying to not cry myself in case something serious is wrong.  I looked over at my mum. "I'm sure she'll be fine niall your just worrying too much " She said and I nodded y/n had fell asleep instantly since she was so tired. "Why w..was she..n.not..c..crying? " I asked my mum. "Sometimes the cord can be wrapped around their neck But she will be fine niall stop worrying" she said and came and sat next to me.

It's been an hour since the  birth and I still hadn't seen my baby. "S..somethings happened I know it" I said. "im sure she's fine niall, she in good hands there's no need to worry" my mum said and hugged me from the side. The doctor then came in but she didn't have my baby girl . "What's happened?  Why was she not crying?  Where's my baby?" I asked quickly. "Ni, calm down!" My mum said. "I'm sorry to tell you this but it appears that your wife has had a still birth which means your daughter had died in the womb, we tried our best for you" she said and left the room. I slid down the wall that I was leaned against and sat on the floor I brought my knees up to my chest and cried. My mum stood in front of me with her arms open and I stood up and hugged her , I buried my head in her shoulder. Greg and denise were in the waiting room and so was the Liam,  Luke and Noah. Greg, Denise and my 3 son's came into the delivery room. "Why?" I cried into my mums neck. "Why her?" I cried. I pulled away from the hug and looked over at y/n who was asleep. "Daddy, why are you crying?" Noah asked and I shook my head not wanting to explain. "Dad, can we meet our new baby sister now?" Luke asked happily . My mum explained to everyone what happened. Greg came over and hugged me. I cried into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Bro,  I can't imagine what your going through right now" he said and rubbed my back. "Have you told y/n?" He asked and I shook my head . I looked over at y/n just as she woke up. "Oh Nialler  why are you crying Babe? "Y/n said. I sat next to her and grabbed her hand. "S.s..she was still born" I whispered and y/n instantly started crying. I sat on the bed next to her and she cried into my chest

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