#55 Your daughter has a crush on one of the 5sos boys

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Lillie is 4 and you only have her.

"Mummy I have a secret!" She says while I'm getting her ready. "Oh really?" I ask raising my eyebrows and she nods. She moves closer to me. "I like lukey!" She whispers in my ear. "Do you like him or have a crush on him?" I ask her. "I have a crush on him!" She tells me smiling shyly. "You know Ashton,Michael, calum and luke are coming soon" I tell her and she smiles her blue eyes widening.

We both go downstairs. Lillie goes into the living room and I go to the kitchen were niall is. "Where's lillie?" Niall asked. "Living room" I tell him and he nods. "When are the 5sos boys coming?" I asked him. "They should be here in about 5 minutes,why?" He says. "Because our daughter has a crush on one of them" I smirk. "Really?who?" He asked. "A certain blonde haired, blue eyed boy called Luke" I tell him and he nods. "It isn't a real like proper crush is it? " he asked me curiously."no Niall it isn't , she's 4" I tell him. "Oh good" he said.

15 minutes later.

The door bell rang so I got up and answered the door to 4 tall Australian boys. "Hello" I greeted and hugged them. "Luke just thought I'd tell you that Lillie has a crush on you" I tell Luke. "Aw that's cute" he smiles. All of us sit in the living room. Luke and calum and Michael on one sofa and me ,niall and Ashton on the other. Lillie must of heard us talking because she came running down stairs and into the room. "LUKEY!!" She shouted running to Luke. Luke caught her and picked her up placeing her on his lap. I nudge niall and he looks at me. "Told you so" I mumble .

Like plays with lillie while she is on his lap. "Someone told me that you have a crush" Luke tells lillie. "Who's your crush?" He asked her. "Its you lukey" she says quietly. "Lillie can I tell you something , I have a crush on you too" Luke tells her and she smiles hugging him. "Daddy, Lukeys my boyfriend!" Lillie shouts to niall. "Really? That's great princess he better be nice to you!" Niall tells her smiling. "Lukey is nice daddy" she tells him. I went onto twitter while everyone else was talking and saw that Luke had tweeted.

Luke_5sos - Sorry To say this ladies but I'm now off the market. My knew gf is the one and only Lillie Horan! :-). Niall_official.  Your/twitter/name.                                                                 |
(Wouldn't let me put the @ symbol and the username)   |
Niall_official - you better be good to my daughter, I'm watching you Luke!

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