Your daughter has learning difficulties

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You are on a business trip so it's just Niall and your daughter in this one.

Niall's POV

I had put my 5 year old daughter Aaliyah to bed 15 minutes ago. It was 8:15pm and I was already tired from being up most of the night writing. I decided to go upstairs to bed.

I walked past Aaliyah's room and decided to check on her. I peeked in her room and heard slight sniffling. I walked to her and saw that she was crying.

"Aww princess what's wrong?" I asked sitting on her bed and pulling her onto my lap. "I..I don't like school!" She cried. "I don't want to go!" My heart broke seeing her cry. "Why Love? Tell me why you don't wanna go" I said. She cried into my chest making my shirt damp. "T..they make fun of me because I find it hard, they call me stupid daddy! I'm not clever like anyone else!" She cried cuddling into me. I wrapped my arms around her. "Now princess, don't say that you are very clever, you're my clever little princess and they shouldn't make fun of you, you might not learn things as quick but that doesn't make you stupid" I told her and she nodded. I wiped some of her tears away with my thumb. I kissed her forehead. "Do you wanna come sleep in daddy's bed and you can stay home with me tomorrow and then on Friday we can go into school and tell your teacher" I suggested and she nodded. I moved her of my lap and stood up. I walked towards the door and looked behind me. She was still sat on her bed. I raised my eyebrows. "Are you coming then?" I asked. She just raised her arms towards me like she would when she was a baby. I smiled and walked to her picking her up. "Are you too tired to walk?" I asked and she nodded resting her head on my shoulder.

I took her into my bedroom and we lied on the bed. I laid down and she slept on my chest. I smiled down at her and kissed her head. I decided to text y/n about her not going to school tomorrow.

Y-you N-Niall

N- Aaliyah isn't going to school tomorrow x

Y- why? Is she sick?

N- no she was crying about how people make fun of her because of her learning difficulties so I'm gonna let her stay off tomorrow and go in school about it on Friday X

Y- aww my poor baby, is she okay now? X

N-yeah, she's asleep on me in our bed X

Y-aww, see you next week love you Nialler x😘

N-Love you too princess 😘😘

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