Your children have to go to hospital

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Liam-12 Aaliyah-4

We where all out in the back garden. Liam was playing with Aaliyah and I was helping Niall with the BBQ. "What do you think Aaliyah will be like with the baby?" Niall asked, since I am currently 7 months pregnant with another baby girl. "I think she'll be a lot more mature, because she told you she really wanted a baby sister and she told me that she's going to help us" I told him and he nodded.

I suddenly heard a loud cry. Mine and Niall's head instantly turned. Niall ran over to Aaliyah who was sat on the floor under the tree clutching her arm crying with a worried Liam looking down on her from the tree.
I went over to them.

Niall bent down in front of Aaliyah and was talking to her and asking where it hurt. "What happened?" I asked my son. "She was copying me by trying to climb the tree and she fell and must have hurt her wrist" he explained. "Okay, you come down before you hurt yourself too" I told him and he nodded. I bent down next to Aaliyah who was still crying.
"We are going to have to take you to hospital princess" Niall tells her. She raises her arms up to Niall. Niall picks her up and stand up himself. We heard a branch snap. I quickly turned looking behind me and saw Liam on the floor with a branch over his leg. Niall rushed towards Liam with Aaliyah still in his arms. "Daddy it hurts" Aaliyah cried. "I know love, we will take you to hospital we just need to help your brother" he said. I moved the branch off Liam's leg. His leg was full of blood. "I think it's broke" I told him. I started to help him up, Niall doing the same. "Princess, I can't carry you, you're going to have to walk to the car" Niall told Aaliyah and she nodded. Liam put both arms around mine and Niall's shoulders and we helped him to the car. I helped Liam in the car and Niall put Aaliyah in the car ring careful of her arm.


Liam had broken his leg so he had a blue cast on his leg and he needed crutches to help him walk. Aaliyah had broken her arm and she had a pink cast on. I put Aaliyah in the car while Niall helped Liam. "You really shouldn't keep bending down and stuff" Niall said when he climbed into the at. "Why?" I asked. "Because your 7 months pregnant! And it might harm the baby" he said starting to drive. "Niall, bending down isn't going to harm her" I chuckled. "You're so over protective" I giggled. "Well I don't want anything to happen to my second daughter" he said.


Niall_official: Today was eventful! Aaliyah broke her arm from falling out of a tree and Liam broke his leg 2 minutes later from falling out of the same tree! Let's hope the same doesn't happen again once the baby is born xxx

Y/n_Horan: Both children broke a bone in the same way, Hospital trips with two injured children aren't fun when you're heavily pregnant!

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