#32 adopting

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In this imagine you have the twins liam and Luke and they are 12

Your POV

I had always wanted a daughter but after I had the twins something happened because I was so young when I was pregnant with the twins and now I can't have anymore kids. Both niall and I were 16 when I had the twins so my body wasn't ready for pregnancy.

"Niall?" I asked. "Hmm?" He said and looked up at me from the sofa. "You know how I can't have more kids, what if we wanted another baby?" I asked. "There's other things we can do like adopt" he said. "Well could we maybe....um....adopt?" I asked. "Of course, I'm sure the twins would love a little sister" he said. "Sister?" I asked and he smiled sheepishly. "Uh...yeah I want a daughter"he said. "Can we go to the adoption place today?" I asked and he nodded. "We can ask my mum to look after the twins while we go" he said and I nodded.

At Maura's (Niall's mums)

We was sat in the living room in Maura's house. "Mum could you please look after liam and Luke for an hour please?" Niall asked. "Of course but why?" She asked because we rarely ever go out with just each other. "Umm...you know how y/n can't have anymore kids...well we want a little girl....so..were gonna adopt" he explained. "That's amazing! What age?" She said. "Probably between newborn and 3" I said and she smiled

At the orphanage

"So what age range are you looking for?" The woman asked. "Newborn to 3" niall said and she nodded. "I will show you the newborn babies first" she said and we nodded. We followed her into a Room with around 4 newborn babies in it. There was 4 boys and 1 girl. Niall and I looked at the baby girl. "She's so cute" niall said and I nodded. "She actually looks likes you a little bit" I said , she had blue eyes and a small amount of dark brown hair.  "We will adopt her please" niall said to the woman. "Okay you can bring her down and you can sign the papers" she said. Niall picked the baby up and took her down to the reception place. "You just need to sign this  and she's yours" she said and I nodded. I signed the papers and niall signed too. The woman gave us the files. "So what's her name?" I asked. "Wellher father committed suicide before she was born and her mother died during birth so you pick her name. " she explained and i nodded. Niall and I had already decided on a name for her before we decided to adopt. I signed the paper again so that her name is Lillie Grace Horan.

In the car.

Lillie was in the car seat that the orphanage gave us ,niall was driving and I was in the passenger seat reading the documents. "Does it say how old she is?" Niall asked. "Yeah she was born on the 14th of September and she is 2 months old" I said and he nodded.

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