Your son dies

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Your POV

Me, Niall and our 3 children are all out in the front garden having a picnic. Niall and I have twin sons and a daughter. Our sons are named Liam and Luke and our daughter is called Aaliyah. Liam and Luke are 12 and Aaliyah is 6 months old.

Niall was sat down on the blanket with Aaliyah on his lap and I was next to him. Liam and Luke where playing football.

"Hello! Baby!" I said in a baby voice taking Aaliyah from Niall.
Niall stood up and went to play football with Liam and Luke.

The ball went out the garden and into the road. "I'll get it!" Liam shouted. "Be careful!" Niall and I shouted in unison. He ran towards the road. A car raced past, he was knocked up in the air and fell back on the ground, the car didn't stop it kept going.

Niall bolted towards him and I gave Aaliyah to Luke and ran to my son.

I quickly rang an ambulance and it came straight away. Niall called Maura to go to our house and look after Luke an Aaliyah.


We weren't allowed in the room with Liam. The boys had come to the hospital. In the waiting room, it was me,Niall,Liam,Louis and Harry. The waiting room had large glass windows and through those windows the fans could see us and they where looking at

"Parents of Liam Horan?" A doctor said. Niall and I stood up and intertwined our hands as we walked towards the doctor. We stood against a wall, the boys could still see us and so could the fans.

"I am sorry to tell you that your son has passed away due to minor head injurys from the accident, we tried our best, in sorry for your loss" he said and walked away.

I burst into tears. Niall slid down the wall and cried into his knees. The boys rushed over knowing something was wrong. "Why him! Why my baby!" I cried. Harry hugged me rubbing my back. Louis helped Niall up and hugged him.  All of the boys where also crying. I pulled away from Harry's hug and Hugged Niall. He stopped hugging Niall and he hugged me. I cried into his chest while he cried into my hair.


It had been two days since Liam passed away. The family and the fans all know about his death but Luke and Aaliyah don't. We told Luke that Liam was still in hospital because we weren't ready to tell him.


Luke was sat on the sofa while Niall and I stood in front of him.

"Okay, so when Liam was hit by a car, he suffered from minor head injurys" Niall explained both of us starting to cry. "Is he okay!?"Luke asked worried about his twin sister. We shook our heads. "He passed away two days ago, we weren't ready to tell you" I whispered.  He looked up at us, his big blue eyes filling with tears as he shook his head. He burst out crying and stood up hugging Niall and me.

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