The boys meet the new baby

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Niall and I now have two children, two daughters. Aaliyah is now 3 and I recently gave birth to our second daughter Grace, she's now a week old.
Aaliyah's has been amazing with the new baby.

It was currently 11pm, the girls are asleep and Niall and I are lied in bed cuddling. "Do you think Aaliyah has changed a lot in the past week?" I asked Niall. "Yeah, definitely, she seems a lot more grown up now" he said. "She loves helping out, its cute how much she tries to help out" I said and Niall smiled. "Yeah, I think she's just happy to have a baby sister" he said and I agreed.


"The boys are coming around lunch time" Niall told me. I checked the time. 6:30 . I groaned. "What's up with you?" Niall asked. "I'm so tired!" I said as I started to get up. Niall pulled me back down on the bed. "The kids aren't awake so may as well stay here" he said. I lied back down and heard the cry of our new baby girl.

"I've got her, you check on Aaliyah" I told him.

Niall's POV

Y/n went to get Grace and I went into Aaliyah's room. She was sat up in bed rubbing her eyes. "Morning baby girl, you ready for breakfast?" I asked her. She nodded and raised her arms up towards me. I picked her up placing her on my hip. She rested her head on my shoulder. "Uncle Liam, uncle Harry and uncle Louis are coming over at lunch time" I told her and she smiled.

The boys children


Freddie Reign Tomlinson-12
Ella Johannah Tomlinson-6


Taylor James Payne-5
Alfie James Payne-5

Harry&Isabella(made up)

Darcy Anne Styles-3

***** still Niall's POV

The boys walked in the house. Y/n had left to go shopping. Aaliyah was sat next to me and Grace was in her basket which was in the corner of the living room.
"Hello" they greeted. The boys had brought there kids along apart from Liam. "Where's Taylor and Alfie?" I asked him. "They are staying at my mums for the weekend so I'll bring them sometime next week" he said.

"Darcy!" Aaliyah shouted running to her and hugging her. Aaliyah and Darcy are inseparable! They are best friends. "So how's school going Freddie? Any girlfriends?" I asked ruffling his hair. "No!" He blushed fixing his hair.

I picked Grace up out of the basket and walked back over to the boys. Aaliyah was playing with Darcy and Ella and Freddie was stood with Louis.
"She looks so much like Aaliyah did!" Liam said as he held her. She woke up due to the movement and looked up at Liam. "Aww , I'm pretty sure every single one of y/n and Niall's kids will end up looking exactly like Niall!" He said as he passed her to Louis. I chuckled. "She is so cute" he said. He passed her to Harry. "Is it not hard with the Aaliyah still being young?" Louis asked . I shrugged. "It can be" I said. "I was just wondering because Aaliyah only turned 3 last month , so she still depends on you a lot and obviously the baby can't do anything for herself" he said. "I get where you're coming from, it can be hard because often Grace will wake up crying in the middle of the night which will wake Aaliyah up and then she'll end up crying so we often both have to get up when Grace cried which is a lot" I told him.

"Is she like the opposite of Aaliyah?" Harry asked. I nodded. "Aaliyah barely ever cried and Grace it's like she never stops" I chuckled. Harry bent down to Darcys height with the baby still in his arms. "Look Darcy, this is Grace, uncle Niall's new baby girl and Aaliyah's new baby sister" he said. "She's cute uncle Niall!" She said.

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