#83 He dies

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Lillie is 13, Grace is 11, Ethan  is 8

Niall was working at the studio , e was due home any minute, the children where at school so I was doing some cleaning.

I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and was greeted by a police officer and a therapist.  "Hello? How can I help you?" I asked confused. "Are you Mrs. Horan?" The officer asked. I nodded and invited them both in and they sat on the sofa with me. "I am sorry to tell you but your husband Niall was killed in a car accident" The officer said. I felt as if my world came crushing down. I burst out crying.  "No! He's not! This is some sick joke!" I sobbed . "I'm afraid not" they sad and I cried harder.  "


I curled up in a ball on the sofa looking through all of the pictures on my phone  of me , Niall and the kids. "He can't be" I sobbed hugging my knees. The boys rushed in. I looked at them they were crying too. "Y/n are you okay?" Harry asked frantically. I shook my head. "He's gone, what am I gonna do! How do I tell the kids! I can't live without him!" I sobbed. The boys all tackled me in a hug.

The children all walked through the door.  "Mum what's wrong?" Ethan asked. "Where's dad?" Grace asked. The boys pulled away from the hug and sat on the sofa next to me. I motioned for the kids to come to me. They did, they stood in front of me, looking worried because me and the boys where all crying.

"Mum please tell us what's wrong! I hate seeing you cry!" Lillie pleaded. I took a deep breath.  "It's your dad, he..h..He d..died in car accident" I said more tears escaping my eyes. Ethan was quiet and just stared at the floor. Grace had silent tears running down her face. Lillie just collapsed to her knees. "No! No! He can't be! He's not! " She sobbed. I shook my head. "He is" I whispered. "Daddy!" She cried. Louis Sat on the floor next to her and pulled her into his lap hugging her.

Grace suddenly started sobbing and shaking her head lookin at the photo on the wall of Niall holding  her when she was a baby. "Why him? Why our daddy?" Grace asked softly tears steaming down her face. Liam engulfed her in a hug and Harry engulfed Ethan in a hug who was also crying.


His funeral

Me, the kids, all of Niall's smile was there. Me, the kids, maura, bobby and Greg on the front row. "I miss my daddy" Lillie said hugging Maura.  "I miss him too seetheart" she whispered crying. Grace was hugging bobby and Greg was hugging Ethan.  "Grandpa? Why did my daddy get taken?" Grace sobbed.


The burial

We stood around the hole as they started lowering nialls casket into the ground. I hugged my two crying daughters and greg comforted me and my crying son. Once the casket was fully in the ground Lillie walked up to the hole. She dropped some photos of her and him on his casket. "I'll miss you daddy" she whispered.  Grace walked up to the hole and dropped some flower petals and more photos on his casket. Greg took Ethan up ad Ethan put some photos of him and Niall on his casket.  I walked up to the hole and placed some photos of me and Niall on his casket and a single fake rose. Maura placed some baby photos of him and greg in there to. The casket was covered in soil until it was completely buried. "I'll miss you da" Ethan whispered.


Mrs_Horan  : Rest in peace my beautiful husband. I'll miss you so much. I will never stop loving you Nialler x

Lillie_Horan: I can't believe you're gone. One of the most important people taken away from me. I will always look up to you and I know you will look down on me, Grace and Ethan.  I'll Miss you. I Love you Daddy xxxxxx R.I.P

Grace_Horan: I know you're watching over me daddy. I'll miss you. I hope I make you proud. You're little princess loves you daddy!  Xxxxxxxxxxx

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