#2 Telling your son's about their sisters cancer

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It was 4 pm so your 3 son's had Been home for about an hour. You were currently sat cuddled up with niall and Lillie. "Should we tell them?" You asked and sniffled since you were still crying a little as was niall. He nodded."yeah better get it over with." You hadn't seen your 3 son's since this morning, because Liam and Luke would pick up Noah from school and they would all come home and go up to their rooms and play xbox. "Liam, Luke, Noah can you come to the living room we need to tell you something." You shouted. The 3 boys came running down the stairs and the all sat on the couch with you and niall. Lillie was on Niall's lap asleep .....again. She such a daddy's girl. "We have something important to tell you" you said. "And no your not having another brother Noah" you said. "Awww" he said."it's about your sister. "I said. "is it bad?" Liam and Luke asked simultaneously. They are twins so they do this alot and they are both very protective over Lillie. I nodded not trusting my voice since I was crying again. Niall grabbed my hand,"I'll tell them" he said and you nodded.
"Lillie has stage 4 cancer and there is only a 5% survival rate because she is so young" he explained. Liam and Luke we're both 13 so they understood and started crying but Noah was only 6 so he didn't understand. "Th..There's....chemo...tha..that. ..will...M. .Make. .her..b..better?"Luke asked while crying. "They said chemo wouldn't help alot because it's stage 4" I whispered and they nodded. They both came over and hugged me, Niall and Lillie. Noah still had no idea what's going on. "Come on Noah" I said and he joined in , in the family hug.  I decided to explain to Noah about the situation. "Noah, Lillie is very, very ill and she will have to go to hospital." I said and he nodded.

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