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Your POV

"C'mon Liam" I said to our 3 year old son, helping him out of the car. It was the 23rd of December and me , Niall and our two children are spending Christmas with Niall's family.

Liam held my hand as we I got the luggage out the car while Niall got our one month old daughter, Grace , out of the car.
"Hello mum" Niall said hugging Maura, being careful of the baby between them. "Hello you four" she said. She hugged me and then hugged Liam. "Grandma! It's nearly Christmas!" Liam said excitedly. "I know!" She said picking him up.

We followed her into the living room where everyone was. "Hello!" We greeted them. In the living room there was me,Niall,Liam,Grace,Theo,Denise,Greg,Maura and Bobby.
Denise stood up and went to Niall who was holding the baby. "Oh, she's gotten so big!" She gushed. The last time any of Niall's family saw Grace was when she was born. "Yeah she has" Niall said smiling proudly. "And Liam's been an amazing brother and helped out with her" He said smiling proudly at our son who was playing with Theo.

Niall passed Grace to Denise and she sat down next to Greg with her. Maura and bobby was in the kitchen preparing dinner.
I stood up and walked into the kitchen. "Need any help?" I asked. "No, its fine dear, we've nearly finished" Maura said smiling at me. "Okay, tell me if you need any help" I said and she nodded. I walked out the kitchen and passed Niall, smiling at him. "Niall, y/n"Bobby said. I turned around and looked at him, Niall was looking at him too. "I think you better go back to the door" He said smirking. We looked at him confused but did what he said.
We stood in the doorway still confused.
"Look up" Maura said.
Niall and I both looked up and saw a mistletoe. We immediately went red. "Mum! Dad! Why are you looking at us!" Niall whined like a child. "You sound like Liam when we don't let him have a cookie" I chuckled. "You weren't bothered on your wedding day! I just want to take a picture for the memory book!" Maura argue. Niall groaned and rolled his eyes. "Niall, Your 25 not 6"Maura said and I chuckled. "It's just weird! That you're watching!" He said. "We was watching at your wedding as well as around 100 other people , Now just do it and let your mother take a picture"  Bobby said. "Fine!" Niall said leaning in. He kissed me for around 5 seconds and then pulled away.
"You got your picture now I'm going back to Liam and Grace!" He said loudly walking into the living room.
I chuckled as well as Maura and bobby.
"How do you put up with him?" Bobby joked. "I don't even know, Liam's always telling him off for acting like a child" I giggled.

"So how's it been with the baby?" Maura asked. "It's a lot of hard work, she cries quite a lot and requires a lot of attention, Liam was a lot easier" I explained. "How's Liam and Niall been, are they getting used to having a baby around?" Bobby asked. "Yeah, Liam always wants to help me and Niall with things like feeding her and bathing her and she absolutely loves being held by Niall, if she's crying she will usually only calm down when Niall's holds her" I told them smiling. "Aww, Those two kids are definitely Niall's soft spot" Maura said and I agreed. "Yeah they are, he's even said it, last week he was saying how if he's mad ,upset or anything those two will always calm him down and make him happy, just by looking at them" I explained and they smiled. "We raised him well" Bobby said to Maura smiling.  "Yeah you did, last week Grace smiled for the first time and he was holding her and she was just staring at him when she smiled. She was just looking up at him smiling, it was very cute" I told them. "Aww, she's definitely gonna be a daddy's girl" Maura said. "She already is!"I chuckled!

"Liam's also been acting a lot more mature since Grace was born" I said. "Has he?" Maura asked and I nodded. "He doesn't have tantrums as much and he won't be as naughty anymore and he's always asking if he can help and he said he hates it when she cries" I explained and she smiled.

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