#25 Your son gets someone pregnant

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Liam and Luke are 15, Lillie is 2

Your pov

It was a normal dinner time in the horan household. I sat next to niall,our 2 boys sat in front of us and Lillie sat in her high chair at the end of the table. I was having a conversation with Liam and niall was feeding Lillie while eating his food. "So how are your grades?" I asked My first born. (Liam is like 15 minutes older than luke) "average, mainly B's and C's but some A's" he said and I smiled. All of our children where very intelligent.  Lillie was clever for her age and the boys were both clever and achieving B's and C's. "Any girls?" I said him smirking and he went red and looked down. "Oh there is then!" I said and he nodded slowly. "Tell me about her" I said and he smiled. "Her name is Aaliyah, she's the same age as me and I really like her" he said smiling like niall does. "Is it Aaliyah Payne?" I asked and he nodded . " Well my advice is that you ask her on a date and then tell her and ask her to be your girlfriend" I told him and he shook his head. "More or less everyone likes her, she's not going to like me" Liam replied looking down. "What?! Why wouldn't she like my baby!" I said and he shrugged his shoulders. "I just don't think she would, I mean look at me." He said. Liam was very insecure but luke has told me about the many girls that like him. "I am looking at you and I see a very handsome young man, just tell her trust me she likes you" I said and he nodded.  I looked over at niall and he was still feeding Lillie and I looked at Luke and he seemed extremely quiet and he was just messing with his food.

"What's wrong Luke?" I asked him making niall look over. "Nothing"  he mumbled. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes!" He said annoyed and went upstairs to his room. "What's gotten into him?" Niall asked looking at me and Liam. We just shrugged our shoulders. "Is there anything going on at school?" Niall asked Liam referring to luke being so moody. "Not as I know of, but I know that he has gotten in a lot of trouble lately, but alot more trouble than he usually would"  Liam explained and we nodded. "I'll go talk to him" Niall said. As soon as he finished his sentence Niall's phone rang. "It's Harry, I'll talk to luke in a minute." He said and I nodded asking to Liam again.

Niall's pov

"Hi Harry,   what's up?" I asked. "WHATS UP, WHY DONT YOU ASK YOUR SON THAT!!!" He shouted through the phone. He sounded really angry. "I'm guessing it's Luke, what has he done this time?" I sighed. "HE'S MADE A BIG MISTAKE! IF HE WASN'T MY BEST MATES SON I WOULD KILL HIM!!" he shouted.  "DADDY!" Lillie said giggling.  I smiled at her. "Ssh" I said to her. " if he's made you this mad I know that he has made a massive mistake but why would it involve you?" I asked. I didn't care about hary yelling since he wasn't yelling at me it was just because he was angry at Luke! " WELL YOUR SON HAS GOTTEN MY FOURTEEN YEAR OLD DAUGHTER PREGNANT!!" He yelled and I gasped. "Right Harry, bye, I'm gonna go and have have a big word with him, and he will be involved in that baby's life wether he likes it or not" I said through gritted teeth. I put the phone down and y/n and Liam were looking at me with there eyebrows raised. "What was that about?" Liam asked. "We better let luke tell you! I know why he's been acting strange lately!" I said trying to not yell. "LUKE JAMES HORAN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE......NOW!!!!"I shouted . Some people might think I'm being harsh, but he's 15 and Darcy is 14. Luke quickly came downstairs into the dining room looking guilty and scared because of how I looked. "CARE TO TELL EVERYONE?" I shouted and he gulped frozen in his spot. "Niall calm down, whatever it is it can't be that bad" y/n said grabbing my arm.  "Trust me it is!" I said. "NOW LUKE WHY DONT YOU TELL YOUR MUM AND BROTHER WHAT YOUVE DONE" I yelled ."IM SURE YOU DONT WANT THEM TO HEAR IT FROM ME!" I said while looking straight into his eyes that were identical to mine. "I..I..I.i" he stuttered and I raised my eyebrows. "I got a girl pregnant!"he said and squeezed his eyes shut. Y/n and Liam both gasped. "WHAT?!" Y/n screamed. "WHO?" She said looking at him. "Bro, you've fucked up major this time" Liam said patting his back . "Good luck getting out of this one! " he said. "Umm...u..?" Luke stuttered . "Who did you get pregnant?" Y/n asked once again. "Darcy styles?!" Luke whispered looking at the floor . "What?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOUR 15 AND SHE'S 14!"Y/n screamed at him . Tears started to spill from his eyes. "im so sorry" he said his voice cracking. I hated seeing my children cry so i walked over to him and hugged him. "im sorry for being so harsh but your 15 and you got a 14 year old girl pregnant!" I said. "Your barely even teenagers. "I continued. "I know, but I'm going to make sure that she doesn't get an abortion and I'm going to help support the baby no , matter what" he whispered and I nodded,  "That's the best thing to do" I said and sat at the table.

He sat across from me still crying. Y/n had taken Lillie into the living room  and Liam was upstairs in his bedroom. "What did you do when you found out mum was pregnant?" He asked me and I smiled thinking back to the memory.  "Well first of all we were married " I said. "I know but like how did you feel and that? " he asked. "Well when she got pregnant , I was 23 and she was 22 . I was very scared and I did have breakdowns every so often thinking that I couldn't be a dad and I was scared of failing to be a father figure that you needed. But I went to my mum and dad and asked for advice and then i was so excited about becoming a dad" I said and he smiled. "Well your the best dad ever, but what about when you found out that we were both boys? " he asked ."Well we only knew there was 2 of you when we found out your genders. But when I found out you were boys I was so excited , I had no doubts . I was so happy that I got to have 2 son's that I could teach to play football,  golf and other sports, I even bought you both lots of different sports clothes" I said smiling. Luke smiled to. "What about when you found out about Mum being pregnant again?" He asked.  "Well I wasn't as nervous since I already had experience with you and Liam.  But I was still nervous since it hade been a while since I had looked after a baby. I was happy though" I explained.  "Did you ever try and predict our genders?" He asked and I nodded.  "When your mum was pregnant with you and liam we both agreed that it was a boy since we only found out about both of you when we found out that you were boys" I said and he nodded. "What about with Lillie? " he asked . "Well your mum thought it was anther boy since her pregnancy was the exact same as it was with you and Liam but I always said it was a girl, there wasn't a reason it was just because I wanted a daughter alot" I said. "When you were younger, how many kids did you want to have?" He asked me.  "Umm.. I wanted 3, I wanted a girl first and then two boys" I said. "But you got it the other way round. " he said and I nodded . "I did, but I wouldn't change it for the world" I said.

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