He dies

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Me, Niall, 5 year old Grace and 1 year old aaliyah .where staying in Ireland with his family for the week. Niall had gone out to buy some supplies for aaliyah


After they've been told about his death


We where all sat quietly , me, bobby, maura , grace and aaliyah was babbling on my lap . We were crying, sobbing. The tv was on, the music channel was on.

"We have stopped the music to tell you all that Niall Horan from one direction has sadly passed away in a car crash in his home town mullingar. Now in his memory we will play one direction songs for the rest of the day, here is Little Things" the woman said. Little Things started playing and when Niall's solo played we all sorted sobbing. Maura stood up and instantly collapsed to her knees. "Not my baby! My baby! He's gone!" She cried . Bobby cried and bent down next to Maura comforting her. "I can't belive he's gone" I whispered my voice cracking as more tears streamed down my face. "Daddy" Grace whispered crying. "Dadda?" Aaliyah asked cheery.


The tweets.

Harry_styles: Can't belive what's happened. You will be missed Bro. #RIPNiall

Real_Liam_Payne: R.I.P Nialler, we will miss you. My heart goes out to your family, wife and little girls.

Louis_Tomlinson : Rest in peace mate. You will be missed. My live goes out to all of Niall's Family especially little Grace Mia Horan and baby Aaliyah May Horan. #RIPNIALL

Onedirectionupdates: Can't believe what's happened. Why you? I feels so bad for Niall's family. Especially his daughters. They will have to grow up without thir father and I know they are both daddy's girls

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