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In this you just have Ethan and Aaliyah and they are 1

You n had gone on a holiday with some friends for the weekend so Niall was looking after the babies. You had left the night before

Niall's PoV

I opened my eyes and heard the sound of crying. This was going to be a long weekend. "Uhgg!" I groaned As I climbed out of bed. I had my joggers on and I didn't have a shirt.

I walked into Ethan's room and picked him up. "Shhhh " I soothed swaying side to side. "Don't cry E daddy's here and you don't want to wake your sister up" I said. "Are you hungry?" I asked but he just kept crying. "DADDA!" I heard Aaliyah shout repeatedly. I went into Aaliyah's room while still holding Ethan. I smiled at Aaliyah and picked her up.


I had fed, bathed and changed the twins, bus Ethan was still crying. Aaliyah was crawling around on the floor playing and Ethan was in my lap crying. I didn't want to call y/n because I didn't want to ruin her weekend away so I called my mum.

M- maura n-Niall

M- hello Niall
N- hey mum could you come over Ethan won't stop crying and I've tried everything!
M- of course I'll be over soon but where's y/n could she not help?
N- no I made her go on a Weekend away with her friends


"Thanks for coming" I told my mum while still trying to calm Ethan . She took Ethan from me and he calmed down. "What? How?" I asked. My mum shrugged smirking slightly. "Can you stay and help me out with them, I didn't realise how hard it is looking after two 1 year olds" I said and she nodded.

"Dadda " Aaliyah whined holding her arms up. I smiled and picked her up. My mum still had Ethan but he was now asleep.  5 minutes later Aaliyah was asleep resting her head on my shoulder. I sat down with her next to my mum and Ethan.

"Is this what it was like when me and Greg where younger?" I asked. "It was similar but it was a lot easier for me because Greg is a few years older so you weren't both babies At the same time" she explained.

I sighed. "Is it not bad that I can't even get Ethan to calm down and i struggle when i look after them both?" I asked. My mum looked At me. "Of course not! It's obviously going to be hard, there is one of you and two of them, but think of it this way Ethan is just a mummy's boy and misses his mum or being held by a woman where as Aaliyah is a daddy's girl and loves being held by you" she said and I smiled slightly looking at aaliyah. "Don't ever think you're doing a bad job Niall. You are An amazing father to them and I know that they both love you very much" she said.  "And they are only 1 and already have amazing manners and that is because how you and y/n are raising them so none of you should ever think you're doing a bad job!" She continued.
I smiled at her. "I would hug you but.." I said looking at Aaliyah and Ethan.

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