The boys find out about your miscarriage

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Niall's POV

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"'I asked. Y/n had a miscarriage a few days ago, both of us are still very upset about it but I didn't want to leave her on her own. "Yes! Now go " she said.


I walked into the room where we would be recording and smiled slightly at the boys. I think they could tell it was a fake smile.

I sat down in between Liam and Harry. Louis was in the recording booth doing his solos. I leaned back on the sofa as sighed. Louis came out. "Hey Niall" he said and sat down.

"So how's baby Horan doing? Did you find out the gender?" Louis asked. I felt like crying when he asked but I didn't. " was a girl but ..uh..y/n had a miscarriage" i said looking at the floor sadly. "Im so sorry for asking, are you both okay?" Louis asked. I nodded. "We will be" i sighed.

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