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Back and we better! 🤫🤪

Back and we better! 🤫🤪

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"Ms.Broussard!" A kid yelled as I was talking to another. "Eissa isn't even helping me on our project!"

"Hold on Brandon." I excused myself from the third grader I was attending to, as I made my way over to Eissa and his work partner June. "June, you know that Eissa isn't always a social butterfly."

June frowned and folded her arms. "Why do I have to work with him, Ms.B?"

"Because in this class we do not judge." I replied softly as I saw Eissa turning red. "Eissa, stay in for recess okay?"

He nodded as he put his head down on the table.

I sighed as I turned to the window and saw that my best friend Carmen Jones was outside with her kids for recess.

"Okay class, go to recess. If Ms.Jones tells me anyone did something they weren't supposed to do then that's a color change. Got it?"

They all nodded as they sent me a chorus of, "Yes ma'am!"

Everyone gathered their toys and lunch kits and ran for the door. "No running!" I shouted after them.

The kids slowed for a moment as they walked out my door but soon I heard their petter patters speed up and I knew they were running through the school halls.

Shaking my head, I faced Eissa and saw that he hadn't moved. I sat down at the table with him and placed my hand on his arm. "Hey buddy, what's going on?"

He looked up at me slowly and I saw that he was crying. Eissa got up and came and sat in my lap. "Butterfly, I'm a outtast in this class."

"You aren't a outcast." I corrected him gently as I wiped his tears. "Stop crying Bubba."

Eissa and I had nicknames for each other. He called me Butterfly and I called him Bubba.

"Yes I am." He disagreed with what I had stated.

"What did I tell you about these kids?"

"That some are mean and some are nice."

"So which ones do you have to find and be friends with?" I asked him.

He answered me. "The nice ones."

"Exactly, Bubba. How about you do your project by yourself, but you have to get it done Bubba. Seriously, no excuses."

Eissa smiled and nodded. "Yeah. That's good Butterfly. I'll do that then."

Me and this child had come to grow close. He was always too himself and I noted that the minute he joined into my class. Soon he was calling me Butterfly because "B was too boring and Broussard was too big."

I smiled back. "Alright then, it's a plan. Wanna go to recess?"

"Can you do a puzzle with me instead?" He asked me softly. "I have a sandwich we can split if you want. Momma had my nanny make it for me."

Every teacher around this private school knew that Janet Jackson was Eissa's mother, no one wanted to give the poor boy a chance because of that. Everyone was scared shitless of Janet's wrath, but I've yet to meet the woman and we've been in school for 5 months now.

"Well, I have juice boxes and fruit snacks. So how about I get those and you get the sandwich and puzzle. Meet back here in 20 seconds." I challenged.

"Make it 15 seconds, and at your desk, and you have a deal Butterfly."

I chuckled as I accepted. "Deal. Go."

We both got up and took off in different directions. I gathered my things quicker than he did and I sat at my desk waiting for him.

He made it back over to me and pulled a chair up to my desk as he climbed in it. "You cheated."

"Well of course I did." I replied. "So you can get both of my fruit snacks for that, because cheaters what?"

"Never win."

Smiling at him, I ruffled his curls. "Good job Bubba."

Eissa smiled back at me. "Why can't I be here by myself Butterfly?"

"Because this school isn't made like that. If it could be that way Bubba, I would love it." I dropped to a whisper. "Don't tell the others, but you are my favorite student."

"I knew I was Butterfly. I'm your Bubba. Duh." He smirked at me as he poured the puzzle pieces out on my desk. "What if we don't finish it?"

"Then we will tomorrow. I'll just slide it on my other table. Now eat your sandwich Bubba, I know you didn't eat at lunch today. Did you even go to lunch?"

Eissa shook his head. "No. I went to the library."

"Got a book to read?"

He nodded as he shot over to his backpack. He dug out the book and brought it back to me. It was Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

"It's the second one. I already read the first book." He beamed with excitement.

This boy loved to read and write. He just wasn't as social as all the other kids. Eissa was the type to have to warm up to people.

I opened his lunch kit out and handed his sandwich to him. "How about we do the puzzle tomorrow because Butterfly has homework to grade. So while I grade it, you read the book to me. How's that sound?"

Eissa looked up, grabbed his sandwich, and asked. "Really? You'll listen to me read? My momma never does. She says she doesn't have time."

When he said that, my eyebrows furrowed. Usually, E never brought up his mother at all, but when he did it was good things. This was my first time hearing this.

"Well, I'll listen Bubba. Get to eating and reading." I began to put the puzzle pieces back in the box as Eissa began reading the book.

It was seldom that I had to tell him a word. He was reading at a 6th grade level, so it was only so much that he needed help on.

I listened to him closely, making sure he pronounced the words right as I graded papers until it was time for the kids to come back in for pack up time.

He was a great reader, but I wonder why his mother didn't have time to listen to him read.

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