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I woke up with my head on Janet's chest and her arms wrapped around me. Our bodies molded in a different pattern than last nights.

My mind was running crazy, my heart beating quickly. The day I had yesterday was one from hell, and yes the sex helped— but I was scarred. My own family had disowned me, and it would be a lie if I said it didn't hurt.

When I looked up, I saw that she was looking down at me, almost as if she was studying me. Her look calmed me immediately, for some reason she was someone that could easily calm me down.

Smiling softly, I asked. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Janet smiled back. "I can't stare at my girlfriend?"

"I don't know. Let me think about it."

Janet stale faced me. "You didn't mind me staring at you last night."

"That's different." I chuckled after I said it.

"Oh sure it is." She rolled her eyes playfully at me before she got serious. "Hey, about what you said last night."

"I said a lot of things last night. You gotta be more specific baby."

Janet sighed softly. "When we cuddled up last night."

I prayed I didn't say anything stupid because I had nowhere to run and hide right now. Thinking back on last nights conversation, I came up empty after my second orgasm. Didn't I just go to sleep?

When I didn't answer, she looked at my face and questioned. "You don't remember?"

Shaking my head, I replied. "No. I don't. Did I say something dumb?" She didn't answer right away and I spoke again. "Okay, whatever I said, if it was bad or stupid, then I didn't mean it."

Janet opened her mouth to reply but paused and finally she said. "You just told me thank you. And you don't have to thank me by the way."

Letting a breath out, my thoughts of worry faded. "You made me think it was something bad. But, I do have to thank you. You helped a lot."

"So, I'm guessing we don't mention that you had another emotional moment?"

Chuckling, I nodded. "You're learning me babe."

"Your sisters are gonna ask. Joeys going to ask for sure."

"And we will tell them that I took it like a G." I replied.

She lifted a eyebrow. "Oh, so we're lying?"

"No. Not really if you think about it." I muttered. "I took something like a G last night."

Janet popped my shoulder. "Stop! I'm being serious right now."

"I was too!" I exclaimed rubbing my shoulder as my phone buzzed. I picked it up and began texting Phoebe back.

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