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Throwing my jacket on, I looked over at Janet who was watching me. I looked back and forth before asking. "What?"

She shrugged. "Nothing. It's just nice watching you glow after I bend you over."

"Girl," I glanced at the clock before taking a breath. "Don't make me stretch you out in this hotel room. We still have a hour before checkout."

Janet rolled her eyes playfully. "But we have twenty minutes before we need to be in a car and on our way to the prison. Still... your call though." 

"My call?" I questioned as I raised a eyebrow.

"Your call." She replied. Smirking, I pulled her closer to me as our lips met briefly. Pushing her on the bed, she chuckled. "I should have known what your call was gonna be."

I mumbled back as I unhooked her jeans. "Yeah. You should've. You know I never pass up offers." I pulled them down as she lifted her hips and allowed me to get them off of her legs. Pulling her shirt up some, I began kissing on her torso.

She squirmed before speaking. "Baby, we don't have time."

"Don't rush me." I continued kissing down her body. I didn't care if we were gonna run out of time. My cravings went ignored for long enough.

Pulling down her panties, I threw them off, taking a second to notice how wet she was before throwing them to the side as I kissed between her thighs. I began blowing on her pearl just to see what she would do. "Baby... please." Glancing at her, I saw that her eyes were on mines and I gave in as I let my tongue dive into her treasure box. "Shit." She moaned out softly as her hands found there way into my hair. "Mm. Right there."

Damn it, I had just gotten my hair to act right. Still, I let her grip onto it. I felt her began to squirm and I grabbed onto her thighs as I kept her in one place. We didn't have time to chase today and she knew that. I pulled back but only to insert two fingers inside of her and yet another moan fell from her tongue. Her back arched slightly for it was the only movement I was allowing.

There was a knock at the door and Janet tried to pull up but I shook my head as I went right back to what I was doing. This reminded me of our first sexual escapade but oh how the tables had turned. Janet went from moaning to whimpering and taking deep breaths because she had grabbed a pillow and put it over her face with one hand as her hips began rotating at a rhythm I quickly caught on to.

Two minutes of whimpers, squirming and hair clenching, and Janet's body tightened as she inhaled deeply. Her hands went to the top of the bed frame instead of my head as she began trying to pull herself up and away from me but I only pulled her towards me more as I continued. A moan fell from her lips loudly as her muscles contracted before she gave me the nectar I was here for to begin with.

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