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She was walking on eggshells. Maybe she didn't think I noticed but how could I have not noticed? She didn't entertain her sisters or mother. Instead she stayed glued to my side.

Which is how we were right now. She laid on me, her head in my lap as the plane took off. We had at least a two hour flight. Her sisters and mother sat in the rows ahead of me. Phoebe and Ember refusing to communicate and their mother being silent since I laid my eyes on her.

Kyrin thought it was best to get them out of Texas as they planned for the funeral. So they would be with us— well everyone except Phoebe who had a permanent home to go to.

Shaking her slightly caused her to look up at me. "Come with me to the back." She nodded as we got up and walked to the back of my jet. I closed the door behind us and faced her. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," She brushed me off. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You aren't fine princess. Tell me the truth."

Kyrin shot me a look. "Baby I'm fine. Really."

Taking a deep breath, I pushed her back onto the bed. Straddling her lap, I began kissing her. Her hands found their way to my ass on instinct as we made out.

Lifting my head a bit, I studied her for a second. Her licking her lips and her eyes on me waiting for my next move. Shaking my head slightly, I kissed on her neck. "You know I know when you're lying to me right baby?"

I watched her blink slowly as she nodded and shifted with me on top of her. "Yeah. I know."

"Yet you're still trying to lie to me?"

She sighed. "Do you think he's in hell?"

"Your father?"

"Yes J, my father. Do you think God spared that evil vindictive man? I mean He is a forgiving God. That's in the word, right? That all sins weigh the same. Do you think he got his ticket to heaven? After doing what he did?"

My eyes shifted everywhere but to hers for a moment as I took a breath. "Baby... I- I don't know. It's a possibility. If he confessed his sins. Gave his life to Christ and—."

Kyrin sat up with me on her lap. "Baby, I know that. I know the ABC's. Accept. Believe. Confess. I know that but sometimes it just feels unreal that someone can just walk into heaven so easily. So freely. I don't know. I've just been in my head about everything. He's dead. Half of me is rejoicing and the other half is doing a head dive into a pool of depressing thoughts and mood swings."

"So you figure out what you want to feel. Cause trust me going between the two isn't good. In public you'll be strong. Behind closed doors you'll break down. I've done it. With Mike. With Joe. I've lived it and I'll be damned if I let you do the same thing and I'm right here. So weather you want to cry or weather you want to just lay here. We will do it. Just let me know."

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