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"Eissa, come on. You have to take this medicine." I found myself pleading with my son.

He shook his head as he held his stomach. "Mommy, I throw it up."

"Prince, this medicine will help. I promise. Just drink some." I tried to convince him.

Eissa had caught some virus and he's been throwing up nonstop since last night. I cancelled practice to be with him and Phoebe came over to help. She had went to get some more soup and crackers to see if we could get anything to stay down. Frankly, it would be surprising if we did, we gave him 7up and he had thrown that up as well.

Still, the doctor said that he had to get it all out, so all we could do was sit this out.

He nodded slowly and I moved the medicine cup to his lips as he drunk it. His face turned up as he gagged. He hated medicine, but this time he kept it down.

"Here, drink some of this to get the taste out of your mouth." I handed him another cup of 7up and he drank it all. It was obvious he was dehydrated from puking everything up.

After he was done, he raised his arms towards me, and I picked him up. He put his head in my neck as he asked. "Can I see Butterfly?"

I looked at the clock and saw it was going on 12. "How about I see if she can come here for lunch while you go take a nap?"

"Ok." He mumbled softly as I walked up the steps and into his room. I laid him in the bed and closed his curtains knowing he didn't like sleeping when the sun was in his face.

Moving a trash can to the side of his bed, I told him. "Mommy put a trashcan by your bed. Yell if you need something or if you can't sleep. I'm going to call her right now, okay Prince?"

His response was soft again. "Ok."

Leaving the room, I headed back down the steps. Grabbing my phone out my pocket, I called my girlfriend. She answered on the fourth ring. "Hey baby, what's up?"

"Hey, you free?"

My ears listened as she flipped through something. "Yeah. I'm free. Wanna do lunch?"

"Yep. Our son wants to see you." I informed her.


"Yes. Who else?"

It was silent for a moment before Kyrin spoke in confusion. "Is Eissa not in his classroom?"

My eyes widened when I realized that I had forgot to tell my girlfriend that Eissa was sick. I guess it had just slipped my mind. "Baby, I forgot to tell you. Eissa has a virus. He's been puking all night and all day. I just got him to take some medicine and take a nap but he asked to see you."

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