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My mouth dropped in confusion as my best friend explained. When she paused, I pieced together what I could. "So wait, let me get this straight. You called yourself having a side hoe, which was a stud. So trying to be slick, you called yourself going several towns over to have a date with her. Mid club experience, my girlfriend and her two sisters walked in and caught you red handed. Phoebe then proceeded to walk outside and pop your tires, shatter your window, and key your car. So now you're single and sad. Is that what happened?"

Tiffany sniffed as she nodded. "Yeah."

That explained why Kyrin stayed with Ember and Phoebe at a hotel that night. It explained why the phone call was shortened when Phoebe got out the shower. It explained a hell of a lot.

"Why'd you cheat you dumb bitch?" Gil asked her. "Phoebe fine as hell! If I was straight I would smash. You fucked up."

"I know. I know." Tiffany cried out. "I don't need a damn lecture."

"Well obviously you do if you're in this position right now." I replied. The front door opened and my girlfriend walked in. She swept the scene over and rolled her eyes and tried to leave again. "Kyrin Paige, get back in here!"

Kyrin walked back in and shut the door. "I'm not sympathizing with her Janet. I don't like her no more."

"Kyrin, maybe we should just let her talk to Phoebe." I suggested. "So they can fix it or squash it at least."

"Fuck her and fixing it. She not talking to my sister." My girlfriend rolled her neck as her attitude dropped. "Tha fuck she crying for? She ain't hurting how my sister hurting."

Gil chuckled as he mumbled. "Sis has a point."

Tiffany spoke to my girlfriend. "Kyrin please, just let me see her."

Kyrin tilted her head. "No. How many more ways can I say it? You aren't talking to her. Get that out of your head. Janet, make her leave."

My eyes widened as I was suddenly put in the middle. I shook my head. "No, this is my best friend."

"And your girlfriend is telling you to make her leave."

"Kyrin." I called out.

She called my name. "Janet."

"No. I understand where you're coming from. That's your sister but this is my best friend. Don't put me in the middle like this." I replied.

She rolled her eyes again as she took a deep breath. "She needs to go."

"She's not leaving." I objected.

"Maybe I should just go." Tiffany replied as she stood before stilling. "No, wait. You answer me this. Why can't I talk to her?"

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