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I sat at the piano as I played a melody. A glass of wine sat on my piano, sometimes shaking slightly if I struck at a chord too hard. The door to my home opened and with it came in my son and my bodyguard, Joey.

He always picked Eissa up from school. They both came running my way once they heard the pianos melodies sounding.

Eissa made it to me first. "Mommy!"

I stopped playing and hugged him. "Hey my prince. How was school?"

"Good! I'm on blue!" He yelled out excitedly. "My teacher let me read to her today too!"

"Really? That's great E." I replied.

My son dug in his backpack and pulled out a book. "Can I read to you today?"

"Mommy has to write a couple things today. Do you have any homework?" I changed topics.

He looked down for a moment before putting his book up and shaking his head. "Oh. Well no. I don't have any homework."

Sighing, I suggested, "How about we have bathe time early and then after mommy gets done writing her song, we can watch whatever movie you'd like. How's that sound?"

"Seriously? You'll watch it with me?"

"Seriously. Go run your water. I'll be there soon."

"Why can't Nanny Tiff run it?" He asked me.

I sent him a look. "Because I told Eissa Al Mana to run it. Go run it, let me talk to Uncle Joey."

He knew better than to talk back that time and simply turned around and headed up the steps of my home and towards his bathroom.

"You and that boy are going to kill each other when he grows up and really starts challenging your authority." Joey spoke up.

"Oh I rebuke that." I disagreed. "Let's not even speak that into existence, cause I'm already trying to get him to stop talking back now."

Joey and I were close. He was my bodyguard first, but once I had Eissa, he somehow morphed his way into becoming his as well. We were family, and most knew that messing with me came with the consequences of him.

He replied with, "Every time I pick him up from school, he's always alone and reading. J, I know you sent him to school to be social, but maybe that's not going to happen. He just isn't the social type yet."

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