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We sat at the table in uncomfortable silence. All that was heard were forks accidentally scrapping the plates or maybe Eissa smacking on his chicken nuggets from time to time.

Still, I would look up and notice Kyrin staring at me. Or more like into me as she blinked quickly.

Finally, I made a face as I mouthed the word, "What?"

She shot her eyes over to my mother and when I followed the look I saw that she was staring at Kyrin.

Clearing my throat, I asked. "Mother why are you staring?"

"What do you do for a living, sweetie?" My mom asked Kyrin as she ignored my question.

"I'm a private school teacher. I taught—." I cleared my throat quickly as I shook my head and prayed Kyrin caught it. Thankfully she did, and corrected herself. "I teach Eissa."

My mother squinted. "Why'd you say taught at first?"

"It's Friday. I'm pretty much everywhere. Dealing with third graders are a hassle." Kyrin lied smoothly.

Damn, I know for a fact I give myself up when I lie.

"Oh." My mother let it go. "Ok. So how's Janet as a parent? She is making it easy for you right?"

I put my head in my hands as I prepared for Kyrin to throw me under the bus.

"Actually, she is. She's really active whenever she gets the chance. These five months she's been to every parent teacher meeting that the school holds. Eissa tells me he loves reading to her."

We met eyes when she stated that last sentence and she sent me a look quickly before turning back to my mother and smiling at her.

She was really saving me. Why though?

"Really? That's great!" Momma looked at me and nodded in acceptance. "I see that I don't have anything to worry about."

"Butterfly... I'm sleepy." Eissa rubbed his eyes. "Can we sing that song we always sing?"

Kyrin nodded immediately. "Sure Bubba."

"In my room?" He asked as he got excited.

"You mind?" She asked me and I shook my head.

I answered. "No. Go ahead."

Eissa practically zoomed out of his chair and Kyrin was right behind him.

Chuckling at them chasing each other up the steps, I finished eating my food.

"So you're gay now?" My mother caught me off guard and I choked on a string bean.

I looked at her crazily. "Huh?"

"I mean she down here lying for you. She's a really good liar, but your facial expressions gave it away. So tell me, you dipping in the pond or what child? You know that I'm going to support you either—."

"Mom." I cut her off. "We are not dating. I don't even know that woman like that. She's Eissa's teacher. That's all, so there is no need for this conversation."

My mother shot me a look. "So why she popping up over here when she can just see Eissa at school?"

"Eissa wanted to see her. Seriously. That's it."

"Mother knows." Katherine stood up and took the plate that I was eating off of without even asking if I was done or not.

I followed her in the kitchen. "And you mean what by that exactly?"

"I mean that I have a feeling about that one there. Now your father isn't around to dictate your life anymore—."

Mumbling, I cut her off. "You sure have taken his spot though."

My mother looked at me. "Make me pop you in that smart ass mouth of yours. Don't try me child."


"Mhm. Now anyways, he isn't here any longer so you need to do some living for yourself. No one else. You hear me?"

I nodded so she could let it go. "Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now I have to get going. Randy is at my house, go make sure that my grandchild is okay." She walked to the door and opened it. "Oh and tell my new daughter in law that I said bye. Love you!"

"That's not my—." I was cut off by her closing the door and retreating away from my home. "Ok then."

Sighing, I walked up the stairs and to my sons room. I heard a soft voice singing and I stopped by the door and looked in.

Eissa laid in the bed, with his eyes closed as Kyrin sung to him. "Pretty little butterfly, yellow as gold,
My sweet little butterfly, you sure are mighty bold.
You can dance out in the sun, you can fly up high,
But you know I'm bound to get you, yet.."

"My little butterfly. Night Butterfly." Eissa whispered softly as he finally drifted off to sleep.

Kyrin smiled softly as she tucked him in and turned his lamp off. "Night Bubba."

When she came to walk my way she saw me and jumped slightly.

I chuckled softly as I moved aside so she could exit his room. She bypassed me and went down the steps as I followed in suit.

"You sing?" I asked her as we walked.

She shrugged as she gathered her things. "No. Not really."

"Hey, why did you lie for me? To my mom I mean."

Kyrin looked at me as she mumbled. "I'll just say that I know what it's like to live for what your parents think. I knew exactly what you needed me to do when you coughed. You aren't the only woman in the world whose under your parents sub-standards."

I rolled my eyes. "I never said I was."

"See, but you act like you are. You act like you're too good for things. Or at least that's how you come off to me."

"Once again." I stated as the conversation turned icy again. "You don't know shit about me."

"Oh sweetheart, I don't want to know shit about you."

"Okay." I replied. "Stop saying that stuff like you do."

"If that's what you think I mean, then cool. Whose bringing me to my car?"

"My driver."

Kyrin motioned as if she was getting restless. "Well can we hurry that up? The faster I get out of here, the fucking better."

"You cuss way too much." My opinion of her slipped.

She side eyed me. "And you cuss way too little. As long as I'm not cussing in front of your child then I don't see what the problem is."

"Okay Kyrin."

"Oh, did I just upset you?" She asked as I looked elsewhere in annoyance. "You are so easy to piss off, it's kind of funny."

"I'm not pissed off." I commented.

Kyrin scoffed. "Oh please girl. Every time a woman says okay, and follows up with someone's government name, they are pissed off. It's simple science."

A car horn was heard from outside the home and I spoke. "That's him."

She nodded as she headed to the door. "Before I go, I'd like to note that you know you're upset, but after I walk out this door please don't keep Bubba from me."

Her footsteps ceased when she realized I hadn't provided a response. When she turned and looked at me I shook my head as I spoke. "I won't."

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