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Three souls stood inside of a hotel room. Ember, Juliette and Joey. Ember had sat down on the bed but Juliette had opted for standing near a wall and leaning on it. Joey was standing in the middle of the room glaring Juliette down. This wasn't the first time this had happened to the trio. All of them in silence but feeling three totally different emotions.

Ember sat worried sick, yet Juliette leaned on the wall in a pure form of heartache but masking it with a mask in the form of a expression such would wear when unbothered. Then Joey stood, anger eating at his soul. After the whole fiasco inside the reception, most had left including these three.

Joey broke the silence and it caused everyone to look his way. "Lie again Juliette and watch what happens. I'm going to ask you one more time, is that my son or not?!"

He raised his voice and it caused Ember to jump slightly. She hated being caught up in their arguments, but this one, this one topped the cake for obvious reasons.

Julie shook her head. "It's not your son, Joey."

"You let me raise him! You let me love him! Just to find out that you had your legs open to someone else? How could you? How could you be such a fucking whore?!"

Not often did Joey call anyone out of their name but Ember shifted uneasily. She knew that Juliette had way more than what Joey had just put out. Maybe he'd forgotten how lethal his wife could get, but Ember recalled all of the stories that she'd been given a chance to hear by the woman and mentally prepared herself for the train wreck that was heading their way.

Juliette scoffed softly as she stood up straight. "Whore? No whore is you fucking that bitch two nights before our wedding. Whore is you then turning around and saying it wasn't your fault but instead mines because you didn't think you were ready for marriage. Yet you proposed to me! So that night, I was pissed. It was an old friend of mines. We hooked up and haven't spoken since TJ was born. It is what it is. Get the fuck over it!"

"Get over it?" Joey asked in a questionable tone. "You just told me my fucking son wasn't mines!"

"Yet I don't hear yo ass acknowledging anything else I said? So you can fuck bitches after bitches after bitches, but when I do it, then it's a problem? Tuh. Boy shut that shit up. You lie, I lie. I don't even know why you keep asking me the same shit, you saw the damn papers! He ain't yours!"

The way Juliette had spoken to her husband caused Ember to glance at the ring sitting on her finger. How could she marry the duo and they couldn't stop arguing. Joey had found TJ's birth certificate. For some reason he hadn't seen it before, and per his opinion Juliette had told him that the birth certificate was already done and gone by time he had gotten to the hospital once she was in labor. He hadn't thought much of it until he found it yesterday before we came to the hotel. It had another mans name signed in cursive where Joeys should have been.

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