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"Damn Miss Jackson, it's like that?" Kyrin asked me as I walked out the closet after putting on my heels.

Chuckling, I replied. "You know it is."

"Mm, tell them people at that shoot that your girlfriend is crazy and she don't play about what's hers."

"I'll relay the message if needed." She rolled her eyes at my response before kissing my lips. "Hey baby. I thought you weren't coming til a little later."

Kyrin looked at me weirdly. "You really were exhausted last night baby. I told you when we talked on FaceTime that I would be over before you left for the shoot."

"I must have been. Hey, should I do red lipstick or another color?"

She looked at my outfit. "None. Do a gloss."

"But I wan—."

"Now you asked me my opinion, so you're going to take it woman. Do a clear gloss baby, just trust me on it."

Listening to her, I went to my makeup draw and grabbed a clear gloss. Putting it on, I nodded in approval. "It's nice."

"I told you so." She replied as she sat on my bed.

"I would have rather put on my red though." I muttered and I heard my girlfriend smack her lips.

"Superstar, we about to fight."

I looked over my shoulder. "It's whatever."

"See, you've been spending too much time with my sisters." Kyrin stood up and walked over to me. "So what's up then?"

We met eye contact and both couldn't contain our laughter as we busted out laughing. Kyrin spoke after we finished laughing. "I don't want you to go to a shoot for 6 hours baby."

"I'll be back before you know it. You and Eissa will have the time of your lives."

"We will, but I'm going to still miss you." She pouted and wrapped her arms around my frame. I hugged her back as she laid her head on my chest.

"If you're like this now, how will you manage once I'm on tour?" I asked her as I chuckled.

She looked at me. "I won't at all. I'm still trying to figure out how to convince you to not go."

"I have to go though princess. We will FaceTime all the time and—."

"I'll be bored out of my mind half the time." Kyrin finished for me as she nuzzled into my neck.

The door to my room flung open causing us to jump apart slightly. Eissa stood at the other end, his face was red as he cried. "Mommy! I hurt my leg!"

Kyrin and I looked down to see that Eissa's knee was scratched up and bleeding slightly.

I went over and picked him up as Kyrin went to the restroom to get something to put on his knee. Sitting him on my bed, I pulled his shorts up some more as I looked at him. "What happened Prince?"

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