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"Momma, where are you going?" Eissa asked me as I tucked him into bed.

"Out. I'll be back before you wake up in the morning." I assured him. "Nanny Tif is downstairs if you need something."

He nodded. "Ok. Night momma."

"Goodnight my Prince." I kissed his cheek as I headed out of his room. 

Walking down the steps, I saw that Tiffany was waiting at the bottom of the steps. She smiled at me. "Going out with whom may I ask?"

"I'm grown Tiff."

"Noted, but I asked a question Jan."

Tiffany and I were as close as Shawn and I. She's been around to help with Eissa, and since then we've bonded.

"A friend."

"Does this friend happen to be the teacher of Eissa?"

My eyes narrowed. "How in the hell?"

"Momma Kat told me everything. Including the fact that you're gay now."

"What the hell? Why is she telling the world? Nothing's official yet."

Tiffany was a happy go lucky person, so when she squealed, I wasn't phased. "Yet? Yet?! I have to meet this woman! You're glowing. I haven't seen this glow in a while."

I smiled softly. Was I really glowing? "I guess."

"Okay, I don't want to hold you up. Go out. Have fun. Spend the night if you have to, you know I got my baby."

Nodding, I grabbed my keys. "Call me if you need anything and Eissa cannot have anything sweet. Seriously, no candy."

"I got it. I got it. I know how to watch my child Janet." She told me in all seriousness.

Tiff has been around so long, Eissa is dang near her child as well now, so it didn't bother me when she said things like that.

Chuckling, I opened my door. "My bad Tiff. I'll see you in a few alright?"

"Didn't I just tell you to spend the night?" She asked me.

I didn't answer, but shot a annoyed look her way as I walked out my front door.

When I stepped outside, I didn't see Joey or his truck. Rolling my eyes slightly, I mumbled to myself. "I know I told this man 7:30."

Before I could pull out my phone, footsteps approached me and I looked up.

Wissam stood in front of me and my whole mood deflated. "Janet, let me speak with you for a moment."

"I have somewhere to be Wissam." I replied in a irritated tone.

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