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We sat in the church, the pastor preaching as my family and I took up the front row. Today, everyone showed up. Nothing brings a black family together like funerals and weddings.

The casket was open, which bothered the hell out of Ember but Phoebe and I were just sitting here. I was on my phone with the brightness low as I scrolled through Facebook.

Phoebe tapped me as she mumbled. "Why this woman staring at you?"

I followed her eye and saw that their was a woman staring at me. "Girl I don't know, who is that?"

"I think Uncle Tony people. Bitch better look at the pastor before I whoop her ass."

My eyes widened. "Girl, we in church. Ask for forgiveness."

Phoebe rolled her eyes before looking up and muttering. "My bad God. Satan get behind me."

I chuckled and mom threw me and P a look. We quickly tried to contain it when she did. The service dragged on until the Pastor announced that we were having remarks. Phoebe and I sat up knowing someone was going to entertain us.

Our Uncle Vern stepped to the podium swaying. This dude stayed drunk and saying something stupid so I got ready to laugh. He pointed at my mother. "Ya know Joanna, when my brother first told me he was marrying you, I said 'Boy, you just dumb! You can't turn no thot into a housewife!' But then you settled down and I'm happy to say you ain't a hoe no more."

Phoebe and I started cackling to ourselves and I had to put my head down so people wouldn't see the tears falling down my cheeks.

Our mother flashed Vern a fake smile. "Thank you Vern."

Vern waved her off. "No I'm not done just yet. So my brother went off and married you, had these little children of yours. Raised em well might I say. Now he's dead and damnit, he then lived a good life! Church every Sunday!"

"Every Sunday!" Phoebe emphasizes as she egged Uncle on.

"Exactly Penelope!" He always called Phoebe that damn name. His ass was too drunk. "You was always my favorite niece."

My sister made a face. "Dude, my name is Phoebe."

I popped her as the congregation laughed. Ember stood and walked to the mic. "Alright Uncle Vern, that's enough. Let's go sit down."

She helped him to his seat as the pastor asked for more people. No one moved at first until this woman wearing black and red and a huge hat stepped up to the mic. It was the woman who was staring at me earlier.

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