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"Shawn it's simple. Where am I?"

"Practice?" She replied shakily.

I rolled my eyes. "Sound more confident than that. Where am I?"


"Okay, and why is my phone going straight to voicemail?" I asked the next question.

"Cause it went dead, so it's on the charger."

"And why can't I get on the phone?"

"Cause we're running through Rhythm Nation and you told me to ignore all calls and texts because you're really stressing about it..."

I took a sigh of relief. "Thank you. That's it. Just say that and we will be good to go."

Shawn replied. "I don't like lying J, can you at least tell me where you're really going just in case something happens?"

I shook my head as if she could see me as I pulled into a driveway. "No Shawn. Look, I'll be at the studio in a few. So technically I'm not lying. I have to go."

Quickly hanging up, I put my car in park and turned it off. Grabbing my purse, and a manila folder, I got out. Walking to the door, I knocked. Moments later, a woman answered in nothing but a long sleeved shirt. I noticed two things about her, and when she followed my gaze she quickly shifted.

It made her try to distract me with a smile. "Hi."

"Hi sweetheart. Is Wissam in?" I questioned as I shot a small smile back. What would have bothered me before will never bother me now about this.

The girl nodded as she opened the door further and let me in. "Yeah. Let me go get him."

Stepping inside, I made my way to the kitchen and sat my things on the bar as I waited for him. I looked around the kitchen and noticed a picture of him and the woman that opened the door. They made a eh couple.

Soon, I heard his voice as his footsteps approached my direction. When he turned the corner his eyes widened. "Janet? What are you doing here?"

"Let's chat." I replied as I sat on one of the bar stools.

He looked back at the woman, "Reyna, can you give us a few please?" The woman nodded and disappeared up the stairs. "Janet, what do we possibly need to—."

"You and her make a cute couple." I commented as I cut him off and studied the picture. "It seems you two have been together for a while."

"We have. Since you and I broke up." He mumbled as he followed my movements.

Oh, but I can't move on? Tuh.

I chuckled to myself. "Wissam, I'm not going to pretend and act like I came here to be your friend or a supportive ex wife because I'll never be neither of those. I came here to make you a deal, and if you don't take this deal, then all hells going to break lose in court."

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