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I sat in the car driving with Langston in the passenger seat as we rode to Dallas to my hotel. In order to do what we needed to do we had to be in Dallas. The ride was more than halfway over when my phone began ringing.

It was my Ember and reluctantly I answered. "You're on the car speaker, Langston's in the car, what's up?"

"I'm surprised you answered the damn phone! Have you spoken to my sister?" She yelled.

"Who Phoebe?" I asked confused.

"No." She replied.

"Who then? Tiffany?"

"No bitch! I'm talking about Janet."

"Well shit, how was I supposed to know that? But no. I'm in Texas she's in LA." I commented dryly as I got into the fast lane. "Why didn't you just text and ask me that?"

"Because you wouldn't have answered. I think you should talk to her."

I shook my head. "I'm barely talking to you and your sister right now so why did Janet tell you to call me? Quit playing with me and shoot it straight."

Ember sighed. "It wasn't her, it was Joey. He said she's been worried sick. Why'd you break up with her? It's not that serious Kyrin. I just think—."

My finger pushed in the button on my steering wheel, and a loud beep let me know that the call had ended. I was sick of everyone else's opinions on every fucking thing I did. Damn! Cut me a fucking break!

Langston took a breath. "You broke up with her?"

"Langston, not now."

"Alright fine." He let it go for no more than a second before asking. "Well why did you do it though?"

"If I could push you out of this damn car I would. I did it because I'm grown and I make my own decisions. My daddy dead, so I'm not finna answer too many more of your questions. You don't hold no weight."

"Get out your damn heart, I was just asking you a question." He mugged me.

I took a deep breath as I spotted a sign on the side of the highway with an arrow and 5 miles next to it. Getting over into the other lanes, I decided I would go pay a friend of mine a visit.

Langston was quiet until I took the exit which caused him to voice out. "Where the hell are we going?"

"Just shut up and ride." I muttered as I pulled on the street and up to the gate. The security guard looked inside the window before smiling and letting me through. I was surprised they still had the same security officer.

Parking, Langston refused to get out. "Hell nah, I don't do these places and you know this."

"Fine. Stay here. I'll be back." I got out the car and grabbed my phone and purse as I walked towards the doors. When I opened them, cold air hit my body as I found my way to the sanctuary.

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