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"Fuck." My girlfriend groaned loudly after she hit something in the darkness of trying to enter my bedroom. "Janet..."

I sat up and turned my lamp on as I rubbed my eyes slowly and then glanced at her path. I noticed that she had ran into a box of photo albums I had pulled out earlier. "Sorry baby. I forgot I left those there."

She waved it off as she dropped her duffel bag near the door. "It's fine." I watched as she came to the bed and crawled in. Her arms snaked around my waist as she mumbled. "That flight back was so rocky. We hit so much turbulence."

I frowned. "Aww baby. Jet lagged?"

Kyrin shook her head. "Nope. Why are your eyes puffy?"


My girlfriend tilted my head so that it was directly in line with hers. "Baby, what's wrong?"

My head shook. "Nothing baby, they're probably just puffy from me being sleep. I'm fine."

Her hand gripped my chin gently, and I realized that she didn't believe a word that had left my lips. "Janet, please.. that was a lie. What's wrong?"

Taking a shallow short breath, I turned and opened the draw in my night stand. I grabbed the envelope and pulled it out as I handed it to her. "I.. I um got it in the mail today."

I watched lowly as she opened it and pulled the papers out. Her eyes traced the words on the pages completely before finding concentration in my owns. "Custody? Child support? Can he do this?"

"He's Eissa's father. Of course he can do this. He gave me a option and I didn't choose him. So now I pay. Now I reap."

It was quiet for a few, as Kyrin studied me and I aimlessly allowed her to do so. She nodded to herself before pulling me into her. I laid my head on her chest and closed my eyes as I inhaled her scent. My head rose and sunk at the rate of her breaths as a sudden sense of calm washed over me.

"I love you. So no matter what happens, I'll always love you. Eissa loves you. No matter what happens, nothing will affect the love that child has for his mother. You go to court, and you fight this and I will be here every step of the way. In the end, God's way will prevail." I wrapped my arms around her waist at the comfort of her words. "You're always holding me and wiping my tears, but baby this goes both ways. I'm here. No matter what. So you can cry, you can scream. I'm here, not for just the good times but the bad too."

I nodded in her chest. "I know."

"Okay then..." She pulled my head up towards her. "Don't ever think you have to hide something from me baby. Don't think you have to carry this on your own. I'm here. You are my priority. Understand?"

"Yes Principal Broussard."

She smiled. "Mhm. I'm serious baby, take me serious right quick."

"I am taking you serious."

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