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When I awoke to the sound of a doorbell ringing, I stirred slightly as Janet's grip around my waist unknowingly tightened.

I poked her cheek. "Wake up, somebody's at your door."

Her eyes fluttered open slowly as she yawned. "You get it, it's probably Joey or Shawn."

Nodding, her grip released and I got out of the bed. Grabbing my shorts off the ground, I quickly put them on and threw on the sweater that I had worn over here last night.

Making my way to the doorbell, it rang again as I approached it. My eyes widened when I saw that it was Mama Katherine, but I couldn't walk away. She saw me when I saw her through the glass door.

"Fuck." I cursed lowly as I opened the door and smiled. "Morning Mrs. Jackson."

"Call me Momma Kat sweetheart. I told Janet that I had a feeling about you, but she claimed that it wasn't anything going on. Now I pop up, and you answer her door. Well, welcome to the family, my dear. You know you're dating into a crazy family correct?"

I didn't truly know how to answer, so I simply stated. "I'm starting to come to that conclusion. It was no fore warning if that's what you're asking."

She chuckled at me. "So you guys are dating right?"

"Not exactly." I mumbled as Janet's voice was heard.

"Baby! Whose at the do—..." Janet trailed off when she saw that I was standing there with her mother. "Mom? What are you doing here?"

"Baby huh?" Mrs. Jackson mumbled. "Not exactly my behind."

I turned and looked at Janet. "I'll be... upstairs. Yeah. Upstairs."

Trying to turn around and exit the tense situation, Momma Katherine stopped me. "Uh uh child. Let's talk at the table, come on. Let's sit."

Janet and I looked between each other and her mother before we walked to the table and sat down. Janet sat next to me and grabbed my hand under the table.

It was a awkward silence before Momma Kat spoke. "I rang the door bell a couple of days ago. Janet, you didn't answer the door."

I looked at J, and she furrowed her eyebrows. "I probably wasn't home."

"Oh you were home. You and this sweet doll were here."

My head dropped as my eyes widened when I put together exactly what she was getting to. I squeezed Janet's hand but I don't think she got it because she asked. "What are you getting at mother?"

"I'm getting at the fact that my sweet pea here was on the counter and you my dear were—."

Janet cut her off abruptly. "Okay mother! That's enough. How did you see that?"

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