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"Did you do it?" I asked Joey quietly for Janet was in the room taking a business call.

He nodded. "Yeah. It's all set up. We going right now?"

"Yeah. Once she hangs up the call with whoever."

"This is cute. She's never been before?" Phoebe asked me.

"Nope." I replied. "So, this will be fun."

"Well, we will be downstairs in the car." He left the room with my sisters and I walked into the bedroom with J.

She had just hung up and looked over at me as she put her head on the pillow. "Let's sleep. I'm tired."

I shook my head. "Later Superstar, come on. Let's go somewhere."

"Kyrin, I'm exhausted. Can't we do a surprise date later?" Janet pouted.

"Baby, please? It's our last day out here and I want to show you just one more thing. Just one more. Pretty please?" It was my turn to match her pout.

My girlfriend sighed as she got out of the bed. "Fine but I'm not changing."

She was baring some sweatpants and a shirt. "That's fine."

Janet walked over and slipped on some shoes. I held out my hand and she grabbed it sluggishly. As we walked to the elevator she mumbled. "Baby, give me a piggy back ride."

I squatted and she hopped on as I wrapped my arms around her legs locking her in place. She laid her head on my shoulder as we got on the elevator and went to the ground floor.

When we stepped off I walked outside to Joey and my sisters. Joey went to get out and I waved him off as I opened the door for J after I put her down.

She got in the truck next to Phoebe and smiled at me. "Thank you."

"It's no problem." I got in next to her and shut the door behind me. Janet immediately laid her head in my lap and closed her eyes. I ran my hand through her hair as she drifted off to sleep.

"Dang, she really knocked out that quick?" Phoebe asked because we weren't even on the highway yet and Janet was already asleep.

Nodding, I replied. "She's tired. Probably still a little jet lagged."

"We heard you drop the L bomb earlier." Ember squealed quietly as she looked back at me. "I live for the growth sis."

"It's so cute to see you in love." Phoebe added on as I made a face.

I spoke to them. "Stop being all gushy."

"I told you she loved you too, though." Joey told me as he looked at me through the rear view.

"You did." I gave him his props. "Apparently I told her two nights ago. After the whole situation. I didn't remember saying it though."

"How you don't remember saying it?" Ember asked.

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