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1 month later

1 month later

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My eyes rolled back as she drilled inside of me mercilessly. "Fuck! Tiff! Slow up baby!"

We had been at it for hours. I had fucked up, and I didn't want to lose this woman so therefore I was doing whatever it took to get her back. Even if it meant not being able to walk for a couple of days.

She had my legs pinned back behind my head and I could feel every inch of her inside of me. This wasn't just sex, this was revenge sex. I knew it, she knew it, but we were both okay with it. "You gave what's mines to another bitch? Nah, I don't think I'm going to slow down any time soon. Whose it for?"

"Shit! Yours Daddy!" I yelled as her hand took grip around my neck.

"Mm." She moaned softly as he other hand began playing with my mound. "Baby you're so wet. Mines. All mines. Daddy's little princess."

That was all it took for me, I clenched completely around the strap as I creamed it entirely. She smirked as I did it waiting before she pulled out and my body went limp. I was tired.

"Turn over." She commanded me. Tiffany's eyes were darker than usual, and I knew it was a mix of anger and lust.

Still, I couldn't move so I whispered. "Bae, I can't. I'm tapping out."

She chuckled. "Yeah, maybe that would have worked yesterday but not tonight." Before I knew it she had flipped me over on my stomach and pulled my ass up by gripping my thighs.

I cried out when she entered me roughly as I grabbed on to the sheets. "Shit! Daddy!" The top end of my body was beginning to numb as I moaned out. This shit hurt. "Daddy, I can't take it."

Tears were in the brim of my eyes as Tiffany continued relentlessly. She smacked my ass hard and it almost sent me there alone. "Fuck you're so hot when that ass jiggles."

You could hear the sound of our skin clapping against each other and before I knew it, she had a bitch crying. I was regretting everything at this point. A arm wrapped around my neck as she mumbled. "Tell me this baby, she was laying you out this good?"

I shook my head frantically. "No baby. Fuck! No!"

"Really? So you gave my pussy away to an amateur? Oh no. That's not gonna work for me." Somehow she went harder into me as she removed her hand from around my neck and instead began pulling my hair. "Throw that shit back. Let Daddy see how sorry you are."

Putting the rest of my energy into her request, I began twerking against the strap. It only amplified the heat that was in my body. We were both damp with sweat but it would be a lie if I said I didn't love this side of Tiffany. When she took charge it was the sexiest thing ever to me.

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