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After school let out, I walked outside as Janet had instructed me to do. I was shocked that she let my comments slide earlier, but I think she realized that she had met her match.

I wasn't a pushover nor was I gonna become one because of her social stance in this world.

When I got outside, I saw a man standing outside of a SUV. He smiled at me. "You must be Ms. Broussard."

"I am and you are?"

"Joey. I'm Ms. Jackson's bodyguard. If you get in, I'll take you to the house."

"Actually, I drove here." I pointed to my Mercedes sitting in the parking lot.

He nodded. "We'll bring you back here after the visit with Eissa is done."

I looked at him skeptical until the window of the backseat rolled down and I came face to face with Janet.

"Get your ass in the car." She shot out to me causing me to scoff.

"Girl who you talking to?" I questioned as I lifted a eyebrow.

Janet rolled her eyes. "Kyrin, get in."

"Ugh." I mumbled as I walked to the other side of the truck and got in. "I'm still trying to figure out who you thought you were talking to."

"You know Joey would have opened the door for you right? It's called etiquette." She shot at me.

I chuckled. "One, I'm from the hood sweets, we open our own doors around there. Two, I see you didn't answer my question though. Three, how did you learn my first name?"

"I couldn't have a random in my home speaking to my child. I've looked you up and searched thoroughly through your history. I know everything about you. Including you being from the hood."

"You think you sound normal right now?" I questioned as I furrowed my eyebrows. "You sound like an obsessive ass kidnapper."

She shrugged me off. "Hey, I have to do what I have to do for my son."

"Mm." I side eyed her for a moment before silence filled the car quickly.

"How'd you pay for that Mercedes? I know not on a teacher salary." Janet broke the silence we were riding in.

My eyes went wide as I looked at her. "Oh? Did it not say how I paid for it in my extensive history that your weird ass browsed through?"

"Ha ha ha. Very funny, but I was just asking. How'd you pay for it?"

"Oh, I stripped." I answered.

She stale faced me. "Excuse me?"

"You asked. I told." I replied and watched as she studied me to make sure I was serious. "Chill woman, I wasn't a stripper but my dad brought stocks in the Mercedes company. So now I have one. Get the stick out of your ass, Janet."

The truck fell silent again and I smirked to myself. That'll hold her for a few until she finds something she had a question about again.

After 3 minutes at least she went to speak again. "Well, how about—."

"Why do you mind everyone's else's business but your own?" I asked as I looked over at her annoyed. "Stop talking to me girl. I'm just coming with you for Eissa. Period."

"Oh, but you say I'm a asshole."

"You are! And actually, I'm pretty sweet, but you didn't even give me a chance to explain myself before you yanked my Bubba out of my class."

She sighed. "You and Eissa will never let me out live that will you?"

"It's been two weeks. The wounds still fresh." I informed her. "Plus you don't even pay that much attention to the boy from what I hear."

That comment made Janet snap. "You don't know shit about what I do."

I looked at her for a moment as I watched her movements intently. Her body was tense with her jaw being clenched. That's how she represented her anger.

"I know you don't let Eissa read to you. What's ya problem with listening? You don't even have to pay that much attention to him. It's just listening."

She looked at me with icy eyes and I knew that I had struck a nerve badly, but I didn't back down. It was what it was. "What I do with my son, is none of your damn concern."

Shrugging, I mumbled. "Hey, just saying."

Before she could reply, Joey spoke through the partition. "Boss, we're here."

Janet opened her own door and got out, but this time I allowed Joey to open mines. I caught up with her before she entered the door and muttered. "So much for etiquette. You surely opened your own door that time."

"Stop talking to me." She replied as I chuckled at her angry.

That didn't stop me from chuckling. "Ou. Someone's angry."

When she opened the door, we heard someone in the kitchen yell. "Eissa! See whose at the door!"

I listened as little feet were heard over my head and soon I saw my curly headed boy come traveling down the stairs.

We met eye contact and his face lit up. "Butterfly?"

"Bubba!" I yelled back with as much enthusiasm as he did as I squatted, ready to catch him as he ran my way.

His arms flung around me tightly. "Butterfly, I miss you!"

"Missed Bubba." I corrected lightly. "And I missed you more."

"Missed." He noted it down as we pulled apart. "I'll remember that."

"Good. So what has my Bubba been up to?"

"Nothing much. I don't have a book to read. I finished Diary of a Wimpy Kid." E put his head down in sorrow and I shook mines.

I put my purse on the ground in front of me and began to dig. "I thought you might say that." I pulled out the third book of the series and handed it to him. "I got you that."

His eyes gleamed excitedly. "Butterfly! You didn't!"

"I did, but give me the second one so I can take it back to the library. I'll just switch them out for you since you can't do it yourself."

He flew back into my arms as he hugged me again. "Your the best Butterfly ever."

"I try to be." I ruffled his curls causing him to move away from me. He didn't like when I did that sometimes.

"How long are you staying Butterfly?"

"Not lo—."

A voice cut me off. "Hopefully long enough to eat dinner." I looked up into the eyes of Katherine Jackson who seemed to be studying me slowly. "You are staying for dinner aren't you child?"

When I looked back at Janet, she was glaring at her mother, and I sighed as I replied. "Well actually I had another engagement, plus I don't think Janet is comfortable with that."

"Of course she is. Aren't you Janet?" Katherine looked at her daughter and I made a face because I was uncomfortable in this situation.

"Yeah. That's fine." Janet lied and I could tell she was by how she scratched her arm slightly and her pitch kind of rose.

Chuckling to myself, this one was going to be just to get under her skin for a little while longer. I smirked slightly as I answered. "Well, sure. I'd love to stay."

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