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Everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Including me. Today was Eissa's birthday. His eighth birthday at that. I hadn't seen Janet yet, for she was doing last minute tour things saying that she's starting her tour in a couple of days. I hadn't even made it home yet, for Eissa and I were doing his birthday shopping which was really only to distract him but he didn't know that.

He already had me holding 7 bags and three merely held shoes. The boy was growing up on me, and I didn't know how to handle it. I thought that we'd beat Janet home, but she'd texted me five minutes ago and told me that she was heading towards the house. Then I let her know that our son was running us behind.

Eissa shook his head at the shoes he'd tried on. "I don't like them."

"Well, leave them."

"But I have a outfit that'll work with them." He pointed out.

It was my turn to shake my head. "Boy, if it's going to only be for that outfit then you don't need them."

"You're right." He took the shoe off and handed it back to the man helping him. "Thank you sir but no thank you." Swiftly, he put his shoes back on and we headed out that shoe store and back to the outside of the outlet.

When he was about to continue, I stopped him. "We will come back later Eissa, your moms at home. She has your other gifts."

"Ou." He did a dance.

I squinted. "What type of dance is that?"

"The Whoa." My son hit the dance again and I chuckled.

"Alright then. You ready to go?" He nodded and took off running towards the car. I followed behind him smiling. When I opened the door something glistened in my eye sight. Eissa held my wife's wedding ring in his hand. "Where'd you get that Eissa?"

"It was by the sink on the ground. I found it today." He mumbled as he handed it to me. "I forgot I had it."

I clutched it and put it in my purse for later. Oh, Janet Jackson was about to receive a ear full.

Driving to the house, I saw that cars were outside. Familiar ass cars that I didn't want to see. Eissa squealed when he saw the cars but I edged a scowl onto my face. Getting out, I walked into the house and Eissa immediately ran upstairs to change into his birthday clothes.

My footsteps avoided the backyard and instead traveled up to my bedroom. I found my wife in our room turning it upside down. "Looking for something?"

She jumped before turning around facing me. She sighed before speaking softly. "Baby, I lost my ring. I didn't want to tell you because I thought I would find it and—."

I looked at her hands which were shaking for her nerves were bad and I could tell. "How long you been missing your wedding ring woman?"

Her eyes darted around before she began answering me. Oh, I was going to milk this. "A couple of days. I thought I took it off before I got in the shower but it's not in the bathroom. Then I thought maybe it fell by the bed but it's not there. I've turned this entire damn room upside down and I just can't find it—."

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