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"You did what?" My friend Shawnette asked me as her eyes narrowed.

I mumbled again. "I said I fingered her."

"I heard what your nasty ass said Janet." She told me as she rolled her eyes.

"I don't regret it." I shrugged my shoulders signaling how I felt towards it.

"What if she does though? It's Friday, and you said that she comes on Friday. Where's she at now?"

Looking at her in a oddly acclaimed state of peace, I replied. "She's coming."

"And you know that how?" Shawnette asked me and awaited my answer impatiently.

"Cause she isn't going to miss out on a chance to see Eissa."

"So you finger this woman once and now she's Eissa's best-friend?" Shawn gasped softly. "Whew. Janet bitch, you're losing your touch."

I shot her a look. "She's been knowing Eissa way before this situation happened."

"How is that?"

"She's his teacher."

"Oh. You getting educated pussy? Cool. As long as she not dumb. That's what you should have started with."

Before I could reply to my friend, the door opened and Kyrin walked in. Used to what she does, it didn't surprise me when she sat her purse on the small table that I had by my door.

She smiled a toothless grin as she noticed Shawnette. "Hi."

Shawn smiled back timidly. "Hello. I'm Shawn, one of Janet's best friends and you are?"

"Kyrin. Eissa's teacher. Nice to meet you."

They shook hands and Shawn replied. "Nice to meet you as well."

I don't know why both of them were putting on the whole elegance act, but it was funny to me. "Are you two done being all proper?"

Shawnette nodded. "Yeah I am."

Kyrin agreed. "Same. Where's Bubba?"

"In the backyard with Joey." I informed her.

"I brought his other books." She held them up in her hands. "I'll be back, let me go give them to him."

Truthfully, she was giving off a weird vibe, but to Shawn it went unnoticed.

She walked outside and Shawn hit my arm. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You ain't tell me she was pretty! She got a best friend?"

"Oh so suddenly you're gay? And we aren't dating, something just happened that night. We haven't even discussed it yet."

"I'll be gay if her bestie is anything like her. Look, just let me know. Keep me posted on that one okay?"

My face furrowed. "Then you're really serious! Uh uh. Shawn please."

A scream shot through our ears and Shawn and I rushed to the backyard.

When we made it back there we saw Kyrin getting out of my pool as she rung her hair out. "Joey, I'm going to kill you!"

Eissa stood not to far behind, holding his books and trying to hold in a giggle as Joey told her. "You looked a little dry today Kyrin."

She began chasing him around the backyard and someway Joey dropped his phone. Kyrin stopped and grabbed it as she dangled it over the pool. "Either you're getting in that pool, or your phone is sinking to the bottom and you're going to have to get in that pool."

"I got a OutterBox on it dummy." Joey cheesed at her like he had won.

Kyrin chuckled to herself as she opened the part where his charger went. "Now it's open. Your phone won't be chargeable anymore. So either you or you and your phone. Your call."

He quickly gave in. "Alright! I quit. I quit!" Joey jumped into the pool and Shawn and I looked at each other and busted out laughing.

When he swam back up we tried to stifle our giggles.

Kyrin smirked and sat his phone on one of my out tables. "Nice doing business with you."

"Ouu! You better be glad Eissa standing right there girl!" He shouted after her because she had began walking my way.

She looked at me and mumbled. "Got a dryer I can use?"

"I have some clothes you can borrow while I wash those." I replied. "Chlorines in the pool and you're wearing a black dress. You need to wash that."

Kyrin rolled her eyes and looked back at him getting out of the pool. "If my damn dress stains, I'm going to key his truck."

I chuckled but quickly stopped when she looked at me. "Sorry. Couldn't hold it."

"Mhm. Point me to the restroom I guess." She muttered.

"I have to get the clothes. Shawn you mind keeping a eye on the kids?" I questioned.

"Kids?" Shawn asked confused before it clicked and she laughed. "Aw. J, now you know you're wrong for that."

I shrugged as I spoke to Kyrin. "Come with me."

Taking the route from my backyard to my bathroom, I grabbed some towels for Kyrin to use.

She stood in the mirror and whined out. "My hair!"

"Just wash it." I suggested as the room filled with uncomfortable silence. "Hey, are we good?"

Kyrin met eye contact in the mirror with me as she took her hair out of the bun it was in. "I don't know. I think we are. Honestly, I didn't know how to come in this house today. I was stuck between weather I needed to act like it didn't happen, or weather you wanted to acknowledge it. I just didn't know where we stood exactly."

"So you chose the first option?" I questioned. "We can talk about it. It wasn't something that I regret or anything."

She smiled timidly. "Good. Cause I don't either. So where do we go from here?"

"Wherever you want to go from here. Tell me and we can discuss from there."

"Ok. That doesn't mean your ass is off the hook for doing what you did to my Eissa. You still a asshole, mama."

I smirked at her. "As long as you know my name then I can be anything you would like."

"Whatever." She chuckled as she slipped the dress off of her body and tossed it my way. "Now go, let me shower."

I went back down the steps to wash her dress and ran into Shawn who was listening to Eissa play the grand piano that sat in my living room.

"Where's Joey?" I asked her as I started the washer and put Kyrin's dress in, noticing a bleach stain starting to form. My eyes widened as I quickly put the dress in the water.

She chuckled. "He left girl. His pants were all bleached up. You know that's his dress slacks."

We looked at each other and began laughing again as I tuned in to what Eissa was playing. I was unfamiliar with the tune.

"Hey E, what's that song?" I questioned as I walked over to where him and Shawn were.

Eissa stopped playing for a moment and looked at me.

"It's Butterfly and I's song. Listen, she taught me how to play it." He began playing it again and this time he used his voice to accompany the melody. "Pretty little butterfly, yellow as gold, my sweet little butterfly, you sure are mighty bold. You can dance out in the sun, you can fly up high, but you know I'm bound to get you, yet, my little butterfly."

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