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Here, y'all deserve this one. K. Bye. ❤️


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The party had ended, and the kids were all gone. Eissa and I were sitting in the living room playing Call of Duty. He was kicking my ass. The boy had skills.

TJ was asleep on the love seat. I mean, the boy was gone. He hadn't stirred since he came in here from the party. This boy was a hard ass sleeper, Janet had put a blanket on top of him and he'd been laying there snoring ever since.

"Ha." Eissa bragged suddenly as he killed me again. "You suck at this Unc."

I rolled my eyes as I chuckled. "Nah, you had more time to practice then I did. These don't count."

"They do too!" Eissa argued with me.

"If you had Madden or 2K, I'd be whooping you right now."

He eyed me. "I'll get them tomorrow. Watch I beat you again."

"Eissa! It's past 11! At least go shower if you're gonna be downstairs." Janet told him from the kitchen.

He dropped the controller and jumped over the couch. "Yes ma'am. See you in a few Unc."

"Alright little man." I replied as I turned the game off and walked into the kitchen. Janet and Tiffany looked at me as I asked. "Any word?"

"She's still in labor. She isn't dilated enough still. Kyrin's keeping me updated." Janet replied as she continued putting food away.

"Speaking of Kyrin, how are you two?" Tiff asked me.

I shook my head as I ran a hand through my hair. "We haven't spoken. She told me herself that she didn't want to see me anymore."

Tiffany sighed. "Four damn months, I would be upset as well."

"Hush up Tiff," Janet warned her before looking at me. "She doesn't hate you Langston, I think she just needs time to adjust. A lot has been going on but I'm leaving for my tour in a few days. She's going to need the support, she'll talk to you. We both know the woman, stubborn is her middle name."

"Maybe push the issue." Tiffany suggested.

Well, I can tell she doesn't spend that much time with Kyrin. Everybody knows pushing anything with Kyrin only causes bad reactions in return.

"Well, hows the baby planning coming along? You excited to be a father?" Janet asked me eagerly as she changed the subject.

I nodded. "Yeah I'm excited. I can't wait. The planning part is halfway done already saying that Sarah's parents went and brought up the whole baby store almost. I've never seen so many gender neutral colors in my life."

Tiff chuckled. "You hoping for a girl or boy?"

"I want a girl, but Sarah wants a boy."

Janet sent me a look. "Wow. Really? Usually it's the other way around but Sarah has two boys already, yes?"

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