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Walking into the school, Carmen was right behind me. Things at this charter school were about to change up. All the way up. We walked into the office and John, our receptionist sat there.

"Morning bosses!" He greeted happily.

"Morning." We greeted back with smiles.

My purse was in my hand as we walked. My hair was pulled up and into a bun which took forever to accomplish. The hallway provided many rooms on the right and left of it and even one at the end, but our stop was the first two. Mines to the right and Carmen's to the left.

Looking at the door, I still couldn't help but do a double take. Principal Broussard and Vice Principal Jones.

"We really did it." Carmen commented as she followed my gaze.

I nodded. "Yeah. Not the way we envisioned or imagined but we did it."

"Nevertheless, we are still in the position we prayed to be in. We get to change the world now Kyrin. We have a better hand in the future. We get to decide what we produce. We were the only African American teachers at this school and the only ones who taught kids that being black was not only a honor but something that shouldn't be presented as a burden. You better pick your head up."

"My head isn't down."

"Coulda fooled me cause you're surely acting like it is." She mumbled bitterly as she walked into her office and shut the door behind her.

I rolled my eyes as I walked into mines, shutting it behind me as well. I didn't have time to argue, especially with it being the first day of school for the kids. The stick would just have to stay up her ass for right now. Sitting at my desk, I logged in and almost as soon as I did a knock at my door caused me to yell out. "Come in!"

My eyes widened when my younger sister stepped in.

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