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I laid in the bed with my phone in my hands as I went over my schedule with my assistant.

My bookings were everywhere for the next month, and I knew that I needed to get everything squared away as soon as possible.

Kyrin was next to me, sleeping. She had ate almost everything in the kitchen that was edible and just crashed out afterwards.

Looking at her, I shook my head slightly as she stirred and her eyes fluttered open. We met eye contact and I mumbled. "Glad to know you're alive."

"Shit, I was hoping you being here was a dream." She stretched a bit before asking, "Ok, on a scale of one to ten how high did I come in this house?"

"Oh, you blew the scale. Almost couldn't function."

She sighed. "Sorry. I know you haven't seen me that way before. My anxiety was just kicking my ass and I—."

"You don't have to explain that part." I replied as I cut her off. "I would just like to know what happened yesterday. What made you leave?"

Kyrin looked at me before pulling her knees into her body. "We argued."

"You and your family?"

"Yeah. My moms not sick. I mean yeah she's sick and she's probably dying painfully and slowly from the inside out, but she won't be dead in 2 days. She's not on any 48 hour thing. She's fine right now. They lied to me J." She looked off and began staring at the television that wasn't even on.

I fell speechless for a second before I shook my head. "Are you okay?"

My girlfriend quickly spoke. "I'm fine."

"No you aren't. You might be able to fool your family, but you are talking to me now. Seriously baby, are you okay?"

Kyrin's eyes snapped to me suddenly as she whispered. "Sometimes I just feel... I don't know. I guess, heartless."

Locking my phone, I sat it on the night stand next to me as I gave her my undivided attention. "But you aren't heartless."

She scoffed softly. "And what makes you so sure of that? I hate my mother so much that news of her being on her death bed didn't even scare me into coming to Texas. My father had to literally yell through a phone and lie to me to get me to come. You can't tell me that's not heartless."

"You have a heart Kyrin. A huge one at that. Look at you and Eissa's relationship, he loves you and you love him back. Everyone can see that you'll do anything to keep him happy. If that doesn't prove something then not much will. You are just strong minded but that doesn't make you heartless."

Kyrin's voice fell to a whisper. "Even the fact that I aborted my unborn child? Cause that feels heartless as hell right now."

"Kyrin... that doesn't make you heartless either. I've been there, trust me, I have. As women we make decisions that we feel are going to be better off for us and the child. Sometimes we just aren't ready."

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