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Kyrin paced her hotel room. It was quiet and she was nervous. So nervous that she couldn't sleep. It's not that she was scared to marry Janet, it's the fact that she might trip while I'm walking down the aisle. Or stumble when she's saying her vows. It didn't help that she couldn't see the love of her life tonight, due to some superstition that Mama Kat had. Apparently the couple couldn't see each other the day before the wedding or else it caused bad luck. They had to kind of stretch that rule saying that their wedding rehearsals were tonight and yesterday night. Even though Sarah had talked to the woman, Kyrin still found herself in a state of unsureness cause she was just all out nervous.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed and it pulled the woman out of her head. Eager to get her mind off of what it was currently on, she picked it up and smiled when she saw it was her future wife texting.

my forever ❤️
Hey, come to your door.

Kyrin went over to the door and looked out the peephole. She didn't see the woman and it prompted her to text back quickly.

To: my forever ❤️
Where are you? I don't see you.

my forever ❤️
We aren't supposed to see each other so I'm sitting against your door. Sit with me. I'm anxious, you?

The woman found herself sinking down and putting her back against the door as she replied to her fiancés text message.

To: my forever ❤️
Hell yes! Anxious. Nervous. You name it. Hey, if I stumble on the way down the aisle and you laugh... I'm turning back around.

Kyrin heard when her fiancé laughed and smiled at the fact.

my forever ❤️
I don't think I'll be able to laugh because the sight of you alone is gonna bring me to tears. Or speechlessness. More than likely, both.

Smiling harder and blushing, she was thankful Janet wasn't in the room, and texted back.

To: my forever ❤️
Aw baby, that's so sweet. I'm pretty sure I'll be bawling as well but that's okay. Can you believe we are actually about to get married?

my forever ❤️
Yeah, I honestly can. I don't just sit on hotel floors for anybody you know. I have to go now love, mommas texting me because she's in my room and I'm not there. I'll see you tomorrow night, I love you.

To: my forever ❤️
I love you too. Night baby, oh and tell Mama Kat I said hey!

my forever ❤️
Will do. Night night babes. Get some shut eye princess.

She heard Janet get up and she did the same. Going to the bed, she laid down and turned the lamp next to her off. Tomorrow would be a busy day, especially since makeup and hair started at 7 am prompt. She just needed to get some sleep. That in itself would... speed the process up.

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