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Kyrin hadn't sat still in a week. Sarah had Nasir. We had made it back to LA. Her mother's case was being looked at. Everything seemed okay... except the fact that she hasn't heard a single word from Langston.

She's been drowning in teenagers problems, and comes home from work everyday and tells me about them. It seems to be the only thing keeping her sane but what she didn't know was that I noticed she's barely been able to sleep at night. It was weighing her, that was obvious, and sadly, I couldn't do much about it.

Which is why I called a family meeting minus Kyrin today. Everyone sat in the living room trying to figure out where the hell Langston was.

"Well it's no way that the boy fell off the face of the earth." I mumbled to everyone. Tiffany was on her laptop looking through news reports in Houston while everyone else was just plain out brainstorming.

"Langston isn't a easy kill. We know that boy, he wouldn't just let someone take him away from Kyrin." Phoebe replied to me.

"What do you mean take him away from Kyrin?" Joey asked her.

Phoebe answered. "Well before they were besties they were dating. They dated all the way from what? Ninth grade to the summer before Kyrin went to college. He was all that Kyrin had back in grade school days."

I made a face. I hadn't known that... why? Still, I brushed it off. It wasn't the point of this conversation. Joey looked at me and I shook my head for him to let it go. He looked down which meant he was letting it go.

Tiffany spoke suddenly. "They pulled a body out a river near Houston a few days ago. They're still trying to get an identity on the man. Male. Late 20's."

"Think it's him?" Joey questioned.

"I pray it isn't. We'd have to go down there to see." Tiff told us.

"Or maybe make some calls and get a picture faxed over." Ember suggested.

"Why not call Jim? He is chief of the police station down here." Joey asked his wife.

Juliette nodded as she stood up and grabbed her phone. "Good idea. Let me go call him. Janet, do you have a printer here or do we have to get it faxed over to the police station?"

"Fax it over there." I replied as a sudden feeling of anxiousness took over my body. She walked out of the room and to the back yard to take the call.

It was obvious, Langston had succeeded in getting the files where they needed to be... It just wasn't obvious if he would be here to see it all pan out.

"Guys.. what if it's him?" Phoebe mumbled out. "Kyrin isn't gonna be alright. That's her best friend."

"Maybe we need to let her go see for herself." Tiffany told us.

Ember and I shook our heads as she spoke. "No. Kyrin doesn't need to go there alone, because if it is him, which we hope it isn't— then Kyrin might lash out. The last thing we want is for her to find out when she's by herself."

"Yeah. What Ember said." I agreed.

"You guys know her better than I do... whatever you all think is best then that's the route we will take." Tiff let it go.

"I think maybe we should go and see if it's him first, and if it is him then we will plan from there." Ember suggested.

"Yeah I agree." Phoebe agreed.

I also agreed. "Same here."

"Then that's what we will do." Joey replied as Juliette walked back in the room.

She held her phone up. "He said we can head that way now and by time we get there it should be faxed over."

"I got a feeling that I can't shake." I mumbled to them honestly. "It's not a good feeling either."

Ember sighed before shaking her head. "Don't say that."

"I'm going to stay here with Eissa. I just don't think that I can take Kyrin's reaction if it is bad." Tiffany mumbled.

"Alright." I nodded. "Who else is staying?"

"Just the sisters and Janet need to go." Tiffany called out. "No offense Joey and Juliette, but I think Kyrin needs to see her intermediate folks right now."

"No. None taken." Juliette replied. "I'm going to call and tell him you three are on the way and you let us know if you need anything."

"I agree. Anything. Doesn't matter what." Joey tagged on.

"And I have Eissa so Janet don't worry." She sent me a look and I nodded.

"Alright. Wish us luck."

"Oh we will. Lots of it at that." Tiff told us as we left.

"Why do I have to open it?" I whined as we stood in the room with the man who would call and let them know we identified the body.

"Because I don't want to see dead Langston." Phoebe steppes back further.

I placed the file on the table and shook my head. "I don't either. It's not like I studied all of his features anyways. I barely saw the man, let alone talked to him."

"I'm sorry about them sir." Ember apologized on our behalf.

The man laughed. "Oh no trust me, I get it. I have a huge family and they all do the same thing. The worst question I could ever ask is, 'What do you guys want to eat today?' Never seen a family of 6 get so quiet before in my life."

We all giggled. He was trying to lighten the mood because if this was Langston, then all hell would break loose and unfortunately I would have to tell my fiancé that her best friend was dead. That's not exactly enlightening news, ya know?

"That's funny and all but I'm still not opening that file up." Phoebe pointed back out as she made a face.

"Well I don't know whose going to open it because I'm not either." I sucked my teeth as we both looked at Ember.

Ember stepped forward. "Oh both of y'all hush up. I'll open the damn thing."

We watched closely as she opened the file. We both took a deep breath as we stood over her shoulder to see. Ember turned around and showed us the pictures inside. A man sat on a table with his eyes closed. Still, that wasn't the main question. The question was, was this Langston?

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