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Hey! Key to these next few chapters is, flashbacks are all in italics and in third person! This is something vital to remember. Anyways, enjoy! Oh by the way, BJGnovellas wrote that explicit scene towards the end. Now read on my lovely's. Excuse the errors. 😘


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Kyrin, Ember, and Phoebe sat in front of the television in Kyrin and Janet's living room. The news playing loudly from the flat screen.

"And reporting live from Dallas, Texas is the case against 49 year old Joanna Broussard. A woman who was falsely accused and convicted of murdering her husband two months ago. Piles of evidence were found against the former captain of Dallas police department, Thomas Reign and former DA, Laurene Highland. They have been charged with tampering with evidence, tampering with witnesses and possibly homicide. Today we are here live at the prison where Joanna Broussard is about to take her first free steps in six months." The reporter announced.

Ember shook her head. "Why didn't she call us if she knew she was getting out today?"

Kyrin and Phoebe didn't respond as they continued watching the television. The fans of our mother were outside with signs. To Kyrin and Phoebe, the woman didn't even deserve all of this hype. She was still a murderer and the duo knew it. They just had yet to inform their sister for they didn't want to stress the pregnant woman.

Finally, Joanna came out of the prison. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had on the clothes she went to prison in. She was smiling and the reporter approached her. "Miss Joanna, do you have a second? How does it feel to be a free woman once again?"

"It feels amazing. I'm glad that justice is finally being served for my husbands death." She answered the lady and Kyrin and Phoebe sent each other looks as they rolled our eyes.

"So what's next?" The reporter asked her.

"Life. I have to start fresh. Unfortunately, Nathan isn't here to see me do so, but I know he's here in spirit and watching over me. I have to live for him."

"Do you have anything to say to the people that played a hand in putting you in this prison?"

She hesitated before replying. "I wish them all well. God bless."

Before anything else could happen, the show paused and eyes set at Kyrin who had paused it. She got up and walked towards the kitchen. They followed and Phoebe saw that she was pulling out things to cook.

Weirdly, that was Kyrin's new way of coping and getting her mind off of things on the weekends when work wasn't there to suffice. She's been a cooking maniac here lately. "What are you about to cook for? It's your birthday. I'm pretty sure that Janet's going to take you out."

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