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"I'm sorry, we going where?"

"To church." I replied to my wife who was sitting looking confused.

Kyrin shook her head as if she was lost. "So let me put this together correctly, you woke us up early this morning, three days before you leave for Vegas... to go to church? Do you know how much mind blowing sex we could be having right now?"

I sent her a look. "No, it hasn't crossed my mind because we are on our way to church. Come on baby, we have three days left until I go. We can do anything you want after this."

"Which will only give me 72 hours with you. Which is divided by 4 because of our son. So I have 18 hours with you and you think this is okay?"

Joey, who was driving, chuckled. "It's gonna be alright Kyrin."

"And which church—." She paused when she looked back and saw the Potters House. "You trynna go to Vegas single huh? Is that what you doing? You got jokes. You must not wanna go to Vegas married."

"Thought there was no beef Kyrin?" Joey asked to be petty.

"Shut the hell up Joey." My wife put up the partition before looking at me. "I told you I needed time."

"Times up. You need to hash the issue out and you know it." I replied as Joey parked and got out of the truck. Instead of opening the door, he stepped away knowing how this was about to end.

"Hash the issue? Janet, whew this about to be our first argument as a married couple."

"No it's not because you don't have a damn choice. Get your ass in that church. I'm not playing Paige, don't make me have to repeat myself." My tone dropped and I raised a eyebrow. "Am I understood?"

She pouted as her head dropped in the defeat. Softly, she mumbled. "Yes daddy."

"Alright then, come on." I held my hand out for her to grab and she did slowly as I opened our door and we got out. "Gimme a kiss." She pecked my lips shortly for she didn't get her way. Joey walked in front of us and I was kind of pulling Kyrin because she was walking slow. I turned around and saw that her lip was to the ground. "Fix your face, Kyrin."

Her face scrunched up before it settled on a normal unbothered look. It was gonna be the best I could get, so I took it. We walked up the steps and sat next to the rest of the family. Kyrin and I ended up being late, which was not unusual for us.

A choir was singing when we sat down. The tune was familiar to me but I couldn't quite put my finger on it until they sung the word, "Emmanuel." My mind flashed back to the young Jackson's in church on second Sunday, singing the Lords praise until our throats began to hurt.

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