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We sat in the hospital, silence drifting in between Phoebe and I. We didn't know what to say or what to do in this moment. All we could do was wait.

"What if he dies?" Phoebe asked me suddenly as she looked up at me. "Would it be so bad if the man whose loved us but with such bullshit limitations died? He's put us through hell—."

"But that doesn't mean you wish death on the man." Embers voice intercepted and we both looked up to see her and my mother standing there.

I stood at the sight of my mother who looked as if she didn't have a care in the world. "Mother—."

Ember shook her head as she cut me off. "Don't. She hasn't spoken since I found her in a hotel room."

Glancing over my mother, I saw that she was wearing a sweater in mid April and her makeup was done to a T. "We will be back." I announced as I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from my sisters. When we got in a secluded spot, I looked at her. "Talk. Leave nothing out. What the hell happened?"

"We fought. He came in drunk off his ass. This time I knew it was either me or him. I chose me." She whispered.

"Did you kill him?" I questioned lowly.

My mother shook her head then shrugged. "No.... Well I don't know. Maybe."

"Mom how in the hell is it a maybe? Yes or no."

"We fought. He realized I wasn't going down easy and slammed me against the wall. I kneed him in penis. He fell asleep. Of course that was after a long time of swinging on each other. I woke up in the middle of the night to him on the ground wheezing and holding his chest. Now we're here."

"And you left him and went to a hotel, why?"

Momma chuckled lightly. "Well it's not like I just left him to hang. I called 911 before I left. What's the doctor saying? He dead?"

I shrugged. "We don't know. They haven't told us anything."

"I hope his ass dies."

"Mom!" I exclaimed as I looked around to make sure no one was listening. "You need to watch what you say. If that man has marks on his body and dies then this could go left really quickly."

My phone vibrated and I looked down to see it was a text for Janet.

my forever ❤️
Is your dad okay?

To: my forever ❤️
I don't know. They haven't told us anything yet. I'll let you know when they do.

"Come on. Let's just go wait and see what they say."

She nodded as we walked back to the waiting area just to find Ember and Phoebe arguing.

"Oh bitch shut up! You only want him to live because you didn't go through half of the shit Kyrin and I did. Miss Narrow and Straight always held the crown to the throne. I don't want to hear it. Shut that shit up." Phoebe told Em.

Ember scoffed. "Kiss my ass. It doesn't matter who was straight or who was gay, that's still our father. You sound dumb as fuck wishing death on a man who raised and loved you."

P's face scrunched up. "Raised and loved me? Were you living in the same house I was? Cause that's the last thing I felt."

"Phoebe that isn't even—."

"Look here bitch, I'm done going back and forth. Either beat my ass or shut the fuck up." Phoebe told her as she sat back nonchalantly.

Em chuckled. "See here this why nobody wanna have a conversation with yo ass cause you always—."

"EITHER BEAT MY ASS OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Phoebe yelled loudly in the hospital causing people to look our way and my mom to cover her face in embarrassment.

I took a deep breath before dropping my tone and speaking through gritted teeth. "Look here, stop showing out in this fucking hospital. Dead or alive the man was a asshole. Suck it up and shut up. Both of you. You're sisters not randoms off the street. Get it together. We don't do this in public."

Phoebe huffed. "I'm sorry but she needs to shut the hell up."

I rolled my eyes. Lord, I just wanted to be cuddled up with my girlfriend right now. Having the best sex of my life but no.... no.... see that just couldn't be! Instead I'm in a hospital playing big girl with my sisters and my damn mother.

"Broussard?" A woman's voice called out causing me to turn around.

Ember spoke. "That's us."

The woman walked over to us with a clipboard. "Hello, I am Doctor Kullen and I was Mr. Broussards surgeon. He suffered from a stroke. His blood vessels weakened as a result of a aneurysm in the brain. I'm sorry... we did all that we could but he didn't make it."

My mother sat in a chair silent as I stared at the doctor blankly. Ember began crying softly and Phoebe made a face. "Check mate. God don't like ugly and he shoo ain't fond of cute."

"Shut the fuck up Phoebe! Our daddy dead!" Ember snapped again.

This time I didn't intervene for I was stuck for a moment. Snapping out of it, I nodded. "Thank you for trying Doctor. We appreciate everything."

She nodded back. "I'm sorry for you alls lost. Our church chapel is open from 6 am to 9 pm everyday of the week. Let us know if we can do anything for you guys."

"Will do." I replied as I sent her one last toothless grin.

The doctor walked away and I looked over my family. My mother hadn't moved. She was stuck where she was. Ember had sat back in disbelief, tears falling silently down her cheeks and Phoebe was in denial. Angry about his actions but deep down hurt that he was gone.

"I- um. I'm going outside to call Janet. I'll be back." I dismissed myself from the room and made my way to the first floor of the hospital and out the doors.

When I hit outside, a breath of fresh air calmed my senses as I took deep breaths and focused on the ground beneath me.

"Baby?" The voice was soft, soft enough for me to know it belonged to my girlfriend.

I looked up and met eyes with the love of my life standing outside of her black SUV. Immediately, I walked into her arms. Her grip around me tightened when she felt me break down. "He's gone J. My daddy's gone."

She held me as she rubbed my back. "I'm so sorry baby. We are going to get through this. I'm here. I've got you."

Burying my face in the crook of her neck, my tears came rushing harder. It was nothing more that I needed but to feel her arms around me. She made me feel secure. She made me feel sane. Cause I felt like I was going crazy these days.

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