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The door to my classroom opened and I looked up from the test I was grading.

"Butterfly!" Eissa yelled as he ran inside.

I smiled at him as he came behind my desk and we hugged. "Hey Bubba. What are you doing here?"

He pointed to the door. "Mommy be nice today."

"Well thank God it's about time." I mumbled to myself as Janet walked in my class with food in her hand.

She held up the food. "I brought lunch."

Chuckling, I smiled at her as my sarcasm dropped. "Really? Couldn't tell."

Janet rolled her eyes playfully. "Whatever Kyrin."

"How'd you know when I take lunch?" I asked as Bubba ran elsewhere in my classroom.

Pulling up a chair, she sat across from me. "Lucky guess really. 12 pm is the normal world lunch time."

"Well thanks, I appreciate it." I spoke honestly. "What is it though?"

"Grilled veggie and humus wraps."

"Never had humus."

Her eyes widened. "You're lying! You gotta try it."

I shook my head slightly. "Uh, I don't know about that one. What if I'm allergic and I die?"

"If you're allergic, then I'll take you to the hospital." She told me humorously. Pulling out the wraps, she sat one in front of me. "Just try it." 

"You made it?" She nodded, not realizing that made me more skeptical. "Okay, we never had a conversation about what happened after ya know... so you saying that you made this makes me think that you're trying to kill me Janet. Just tell me if you are."

Her eyes narrowed. "You think I'd poison you?"

"Like two weeks ago, we butted heads so bad that I called you a asshole. So honestly do you think I'd not think that you would poison me?"

"Kyrin, eat the damn wrap. Nothings in it except the needed ingredients. See, I try to be nice and you make me be mean."

Chuckling, I picked the wrap up as I shrugged. "When you're mean, I know that you're serious. So now I know nothings in the wrap. Thanks for the lunch."

"Great. Eat up." She encouraged me.

Shooting her a look, I bit into the wrap and my taste buds exploded. After I swallowed the first bite, I looked at her with wide eyes. "Oh shit. You can really cook."

"Why wouldn't I be able to cook again?"

"I don't know Superstar. Guess I just assumed." I chuckled as I took another bite.

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