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I walked into the building having just landed. Tired was an understatement but I decided to come. She would have came for me. When I approached the front desk, I told her who I was looking for and she gave me a room number. "Thank you."

"No problem." She replied with a smile.

As I walked into the room, Sarah looked up at me and smiled. "You came?!"

"I came." I smiled back as I hugged her. "Gotta see how my niece or nephew is doing."

She chuckled. "Girl, this baby has been kicking the heck out of my stomach here lately. Seems like the kid can't keep still. One minute it's on the right side, next it's on the left. I can't keep up."

Before I could reply, the doctor walked in. This would be hard for me. Harder than I actually anticipated too be quite frank. I never wanted to walk into one of these rooms again but here I was. Here... I put myself here.

The doctor, who told us her name was Maryann but insisted on us calling her Mary, instructed Sarah to lay back and that the gel would be cold. Sarah nodded and did as she said. The woman applied the gel and put her thing on top.

We turned our eyes to the screen and I took a breath when the baby popped up on it. "The baby's healthy. Seems to be moving around a lot but that's perfectly normal." The doctor hummed to herself before asking. "Want to know the gender?"

"Yes please." Sarah replied. "But, don't tell me, tell the child's God Mother right here."

"God Mo..." I trailed off.

God Mother? I can't be a child's God mother and I'm barely on speaking terms with my own. I barely had a good role model coming up myself, I'm still toxic in some situations, and I don't even know if I can bare a conversation with this child's father. I could not be a God Mother right now.

I suddenly spoke again. "No way. Are you serious? You're letting me be the God Mom?"

Sarah nodded excitedly. "Yes ma'am. Well if you want to of course."

"Of course I want to!" I exclaimed as we matched excitement but it was halfway fake on my end. I wasn't ready for this but I had prep time. Right?

"Good. I've been trying to find a way to ask you." She smiled brightly before sighing. "One less thing on the plate but yes Doc, give the results to her."

Mary nodded at me. "I'll be right back God Mother."

She left the room and I looked at Sarah. "Sis, you're seriously..."


I nodded slowly. "I gotta tell J this."

When I went to text her, Sarah stopped me. "Aht. No. Don't do that because she has to agree to be God Mother as well. If something happens to Langston and I, we feel like you two would be the best hands to leave our child in. I want a boy."

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